> I love my DVR in part because it allows me to make
> direct quotes that the associate can deny all they
> want, but I have it on tape. I considered even
> doing a direct quote on a drive through from last
> evening where what came out of the speaker was,
> "Do you wanmeqentapodlAWETHA with that?" The bulk
> of the speaker conversation was approximately that
> quality.
So true. My voice recorder actually saved me from getting deactivated from an MSC when a certain store decided they didn't agree with my report. The report wasn't even that bad either! The cashier forgot to do a couple of teensy things... I couldn't even believe they fought it! The MSC scheduler wrote me back and said that the store had video evidence that I had brought in my children and they distracted me throughout the shop. The cashier then blamed my rowdy children for being disruptive so she had to rush through the transaction. So, I fought back and said I have the whole thing on voice recorder, along with all of my dictated notes, and I then told them exactly what I was wearing and to check their security video again because I did not have children with me! The store fought back and said they were sure it was me. (How could they even know what I look like???) The MSC basically started questioning my integrity because it was in my profile that I had children. This went on for a couple of days. I told the MSC that I never took my kids on these shops and this store made her think I was a liar. After I told the scheduler what I was wearing and how my hair was done, the shop was then accepted. Go figure.
A voice recorder is an indespensable tool.
BTW, it wasn't Sinclair that I had this issue with, but Flash's post that just made me think of that.