Start out for FREE by registering yourself with the various Mystery Shopping Companies. They have a good list here, at, at and on the MSPA site at (among other places) and they're all free.
There are some 500 or so companies, so it may seem like an "insurmountable" task to register with even a hundred of them. But, if you just dedicate yourself to registering with just 3-5 companies per day, after your first month, you'll be registered with nearly that...and registration can, and should, be an "on-going" thing until you're so busy that you don't want to get more offers.
And, Kitchens, you're absolutely correct. The best way to make any money is to "bundle" at least 3 or 4 shops in the same general area together. I know a shopper who does as many as 10-12 shops on the same day. I also know of others who schedule 100 shops, or more, together and make a "road trip" out of it. Too much reporting all at once for me. I like up to just 4-6 at a time...especially when they're bonused at month's end...4 shops last month, $115 in fees!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2007 03:47PM by nwazshopper.