IMHO, to decline is to "refuse". I do not have to respond to every email they send me. i only respond to the ones I want.
To ignore and not react to is to, let it go on by. If everyone were to respond to every email they received the scheduler would never get anything done responding to people responding to their emails. And it would only get more complicated as things went on.
In all politeness, It is not my responsibility to bow and scrape to them. I am polite and work with them because we have a function to complete together. In as much as we can facilitate that, we can work together. If we have unmitigated differences, then they can move on down the road. I know that may sound a bit harsh and harshness is not my intent, but that is what it will boil down to anyhow.
I have done this for years, and can be as wrong and inaccurate as anyone. This just happens to be my personal way of doing works for me
Some of my pet peeves are MSC's that have crappy web sites that are to difficult to navigate or they operate to slow. Or, their sites is bad and they don't answer emails.
![smiling smiley smiling smiley](
Holier than thou schedulers (and 99.9% are just great folks!, sincerely) Schedulers can be overworked and work on the computer at home at times. Many of us feel that they sit in an office somewhere working for a huge MSC. When, in actuality they are at home and simply log in and work from their kitchen table, and that is fine.
![smiling smiley smiling smiley](
It can be the ultimate freedom or cage depending on your perspective.
Companies that do not read the entire email and process information between their ears before responding to the wrong issue bug me as well. Most of these people / schedulers are great, truly very nice. But they are overworked and paid "piece work" meaning they make a cut of every shop you make, and some are set salary. So, towards the end of the month they are running around on three cups of Folgers trying to get everything out and sent in and shopped and..... This is why it is not good to respond to every email they send you. In create informational overload.
Welcome to Mystery Shopping! Newbies, as you put it, are a wonderful thing to have and be. I learn fresh perspectives daily and ya know where the fresh ideas come from??? ...they come from the Newbies.
![smiling smiley smiling smiley](
, so welcome all newbies.
Thats my experience and views. Some will agree, others will disagree and I respect their views. That and 50 cents'll getcha two quarters
Don in Vegas
PizzaPizza Wrote:
> Don, I thought declining was being helpful to the
> MSCs, and I thought they wouldn't call you if
> you'd already declined a posted listing ... but it
> sounds like I should change my (relative newbie)
> ways. Thanks for the tip.
> Strevel Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > agw505 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > This probably isn't the place for this
> comment,
> > > but I read where people 'decline' jobs they
> are
> > > offered. This is a 'no no' for shoppers. Just
> > do
> > > not accept, if you decline, it goes against
> > you.
> >
> > You are self employed and should not even
> > acknowledge receipt of any shop that you do not
> > want to complete properly.
> >
> > Yes, do not decline it, just do not respond to
> > it.
> >
> > Don