Feedback for Gapbuster xec??

fiteybitey Wrote:
> dee shops Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I wonder if Lisa and Fitey are neighbors? :-)
> I live in California in the Central Valley, but I
> don't know about Lisa.
> P.S. I have gotten a few PM's asking what my name
> means so here goes. Years ago when my hubby and I
> were getting internet service he asked what I
> wanted my screen name to be. I said I didn't care
> so he named me FiteyBitey. He picked it because he
> is a HUGE Frank Zappa fan and that was the name of
> their cat. (Oh, at the time I was fostering 10
> kitties)

Guess weren't not then. Indiana here.

Cute story behind the name. smiling smiley

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MinneapolisMichael Wrote:
> I should have written, "Gapbuster's single client
> in my area is currently being serviced by MF."
> I didn't mean 'snatched up' to have any
> connotation.

Oh, I didn't mean that you meant anything by it. I just meant that, in my area at least, MF always carried more of those shops to begin with. In my 100 mile radius, MF had (before getting the GAP locations too) about 70. In that same 100 mile radius, GAP had around 15 so when I usually thought about those FFs being shopped, MF is what always came to mind.
Karen IL Wrote:
> Experiencedmysteryshopper Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > A little advice: Always save your reports when
> > doing Gapbuster-jobs. They call you up
> frequently
> > to check details!
> Seriously? It's happened to me only once in years of shopping for them.
> karen
Seriously. From what I understand from my scheduler it is one of two things if they want to check details. Nr. 1 would be a random check on any of the shoppers or nr.2 if they have gotten feedback from the client and need to check details to make sure.

I always print out my reports now.

I am of great value to Gapbuster so they pay me more and more these days. I am the only one for miles and miles around here to do audits. I am a good, no I am an exellent shopper, and therefor they always ask me first to do some jobs. Last week I did and audit which I declined at first when my schedueler offered me max of what he could offer as a bonus. Then he asked me to wait while he talked to his boss and I eventually ended up with three times the max in bonus. In my defence it was far from home.

This is a very good company to shop for, to anyone who wonders.
Yes, I really enjoyed working for Gapbuster. I seldom printed out my reports..kept copies on the computer. I also was called, at least 3 times/week most of the time to do bonused assignments. They'd ask me for one location, we'd negotiate a bonus, and when I agreed, suddenly they'd add 4 more. I was hopping for March getting a bunch of assignments done, and then was sad when they lost the account. I'm looking forward to my direct dep. in April, and will miss that monthly addition to my bank account!

Anyone have a contact name or number for Gapbuster other than submitting the request through their Enquiry tab? I wasn't paid correctly recently but I am having trouble getting a response from them.
Asia Pacific
Level 2, 80 Dorcas Street
South Melbourne, Vic 3205
T: +61 3 9867 3477
F: +61 3 9867 2677

Matrix House
Basing View
Hampshire, RG21 4FF
T: +44 1256 810 988
F: +44 1256 813 218

2-7-16 Toranomon
Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0001
T: +81 3 3500 2403
F: +81 3 3500 2405

Pine Creek Commons
2450 Atlanta Highway
Suite 201 Cumming
Georgia 30040, USA
T: +1 770 781 3181
F: +1 770 781 3107
I realized I hadn't signed up with this company, filled out their app, and they responded:

"The details you provided in your application unfortunately do not match our database's selection criteria. As a result, we are unable to approve your request to join GAPbuster Worldwide. "

I'm appalled, since I'm a successful shopper for many other companies, and don't have any "red flags" in my app. Anybody else experience this? I'm 50, so I didn't really think I'd be flagged as too old.

Kona Kathie
I signed up with them years ago and I doubt the issue is age. The issue more likely is that they have a whole bunch of shoppers in your area who are still active, updating their profiles and checking the website while they have very few jobs. When I joined them I generally did 6-8 jobs per month in my area and there were more with which I didn't bother. I have found nothing in my area during my occasional checks for more than 2 years.
Over the past year, there have been some top level managerial changes. The founder left to start another company in a similar vein making use of current technological advances in communications hardware. Losing their big FF account is causing turmoil and, as a result, a lot of staffers have had to leave. Currently, they are no longer conducting business in the same markets.
I'm in the U.S. and I registered for Gapbuster in the last week of May 2010 and received a welcome email with code and password. I completed the Orientation and such and seem to be ready to shop for them.

But... there's no listings in the Job Search. In fact, the pull-down doesn't even work to allow me to select a location. I've sent 2 messages via the Enquiry tab and haven't been answered.

Far as I can tell, they're not shopping in the U.S. and worse, not answering their emails/communications or posting any useful info on their site for U.S. shoppers. It would be easy to just state that they aren't accepting new applications at this time, etc...

Reckon they don't care if they burn their bridges.
Mongo Wrote:

> Reckon they don't care if they burn their bridges.

I don't take it as burning bridges, they just don't have assignments available right now. They no longer have their biggest client and since then I have not seen anything on their job board.

Probably 70% of the sites I sign up with don't have anything in my area, but they still allow you to sign up.
As of last month, they still had one client with two restaurants in my market. This month, they either have not posted that shop yet for July, or it is gone. I have seen it for the past few months with another MSC. They have a totally cheap and unrealistic payment and scenario - go to a Japanese BBQ place that you order and cook multiple small plates, but only order one plate and one beverage, with reimbursement for one. That would brand you as a shopper in a second in this place, and I ignore all the pleas I am getting from that firm about this shop. I sure hope Gap keeps theirs.

I used to do a lot of work for them, and loved the bonuses they gave on the super easy gas shop. They never had the FF contract here.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
lisams901 Wrote:
> I don't take it as burning bridges,

If they don't bother answering their own email messages from potential shoppers - they are burning bridges. When someone attempts to contact a company using the only means they make available and they don't respond, they don't care much about doing business.
I check their site periodically and used to see shops once in a while. I have still not done a shop for them. If I see one I will try it.
Mongo Wrote:
> lisams901 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don't take it as burning bridges,
> If they don't bother answering their own email
> messages from potential shoppers - they are
> burning bridges. When someone attempts to contact
> a company using the only means they make available
> and they don't respond, they don't care much about
> doing business.

I can't disagree with this as a blanket statement, but in the specifics of this firm, I fail to see the reason for the small rant. They basically lost all of their US MS business. They might have laid off staff that dealt with the US. They fact that you cannot pull up jobs on their website, when they know *there are no jobs in your area on their website*, might not be the biggest issue of the day for the staff they still have.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
I had a payment issue and they did not resolve it to my satisfaction. They are not good to work for. Marketforce does their big client now and are really good to work for.
Has anyone got an address I can write to for Gapbuster. I am owed about £70 for a large number of shops. I cannot get any assistance as there is no telephone number or address, and you have to do everything on line or by email which they do not answer.
I really cannot afford to lose this and am at my wits end with them. I got one payment of after a lot hassle but can't get the rest. Obviously I have stopped shopping for them, but want the money back I have spent on items for them. They have ehad their feedback and presumable been paid by their firms.
What I found was their Atlanta, GA office here in the US

GAPbuster Worldwide
2450 Atlanta Highway, Suite 201
Cumming, GA US 30040

That might be worth a try, though obviously you were not working through the US arm if you are owed in pounds instead of dollars.
benner2249 Wrote:
> I work for them a lot and have never had any
> problems

Hi.I just registered as GAPbuster mystery shopper but I had a problem regarding of myphotoID. I unable to view my jobsearch because of this problem. What is exactly the format for the photo the needed, because I already upload a photo in jpg format and it doesn't exceed 300kb. Can you help me please?
I would guess that they need a day or two to review your application and photo ID before authorizing you to see their job board.
Flash Wrote:
> I would guess that they need a day or two to
> review your application and photo ID before
> authorizing you to see their job board.

Thank you for the reply.
Did they want a formal photo?
I do not know. If they asked for a 'photo ID' I would send them a copy of my driver's license, as that is the standard photo ID where I live. It has been years since I signed up with them and I neither remember whether that was a requirement then or what I sent if it was. In my area I have not seen jobs on their job board in several years, nor have I heard of US shoppers seeing much work with them. I have seen the clients I used to shop for them are now with other companies.
Are you also registered as mystery shopper under GAPbuster?

Besides, they also asked for casual photo.What is the difference between this two photos?
Yes, I am registered with them as a mystery shopper. I would assume that a casual photo is just a recent photo taken with your digital camera. I have a couple of companies that have wanted that and have just sent along a picture of me that was in reasonable focus but was not particularly detailed. The one I generally use is one sitting at a table that offers few clues as to height, body shape, hairdo or hair color. It could be virtually anybody wearing glasses on a rather round face.
Alright.So, I am assume for photoID I just upload a formal photo(eg: driving licences/passport photo).

Thanks again for your replies.They really help me. Did they need few days to validate my photo?
I registered with them so long ago that I honestly don't remember how long it was between registration and activation or even if they wanted photos back then. Sorry. It would be a reasonable assumption that it would take a few days to activate you since obviously someone needs to check that appropriate photos were submitted. With many other companies that have no such requirement, activation can be handled immediately and automatically.
I have been mystery shopping for five years now, and every time I try and register with this company, they tell me i do not meet their qualifications. Anyone have any ideas why? Are they a company that wants MSPA certification?
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