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I did a BV, Scope E for them a few weeks ago. It was for two separate office buildings with 14 units, consisting of 27,000 sq. ft. It took me 7.5 hours to measure with the help of the owner. It took me the next day to compete my sketches and upload my pictures. I had over 150 pictures to submit. I fnally submitted my complete report two day later. I was penalized $14.00 for late submission. Geeeez, you would think they could have considered all the work I put into that project and how large it was.
How many pictures do you have to take for the pizza shops? How picky are they on the pictures? I don't want to hit the Accept button only to find out my chances for reimbursement are slim.
My experience with them has been this: pretty easy reports, pay on time and pay cycle is one of the most frequent ones. However, EXTREMELY low fees. I will only do their shops very rarely when I am already in the area and don't have anything else to put into my route.

I haven't done their pizza shops and refuse to for such a low fee. These shops stay on the board around here forever. They even sent out a survey asking why people don't do them and what would make us pick them up. My answer to each question was, MORE MONEY.
Today, I'm not happy with TrendSource. I got assigned a BV yesterday at 4:30pm, only got the message after 5pm and figured I'd call in the morning. Wouldn't you know it, at 9pm last night, the assignment was taken away from me because I did not make the first call fast enough. Uh, the business closes at 5pm and oh-so-sorry I wasn't sitting in front on my screen so I could call the instant the job was assigned to me. The instructions clearly say that, if the assignment is given after 5pm, to call before 9am the next morning ~ that was the plan.

Bummer is that the BV is about 3 min. drive from my home. I guess it automatically got assigned to the back-up agent.

Boo on MSI/TrendSource!
I went one round with them on those. They changed the times to making the call before 7PM the assigned day or some such and then starting the calls at 7AM to make sure you get the call in during their presumed business hours that have nothing to do with the business hours the contact claims. It is really dense. So I make the call as soon as I see the shop award even though I know full well I will be talking to an answering machine. With only 3 calls before the thing gets shipped back to the client, I truly hate to waste the call as it has seriously increased the number of shops returned to the client, but I guess that's life. It also is a PITA to try to get the required narrative into a single message on many answering machines, so it may take two calls to get the info on there (which, of course, only counts as 1 call).
The BVs I have done required that the first call be made within four hours of receiving the assignment, even if after hours.
All is well in my world. They returned the BV to me and explained that the instructions had recently changed. I was supposed to make the first call before 7pm. It's all right now as the call has been made, logged and the appointment is set.

Kudos to MSI/TS for great communication, understanding and flexibility ~ I take back the Boo and change it to a Bouquet! smiling smiley
That was my reaction as well. My first goof with the timing change they gave it back to me as well. IMHO it is still nonsense to call after business hours and count it as call #1, but as long as I know the game plan . . .
How do I save a copy of their reports?

Imagine my surprise when I opened a copy of one that I only thought I had saved. Then, another. . . All blank.

I've tried saving as web page complete, web page HTML, text and all files. No luck. I select all, but my answers don't select and copy. And, lastly, I did a screen shot. That works, but only screen, by screen.
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Mert Wrote:
> How do I save a copy of their reports?
> Imagine my surprise when I opened a copy of one
> that I only thought I had saved. Then, another. .
> . All blank.
> I've tried saving as web page complete, web page
> HTML, text and all files. No luck. I select all,
> but my answers don't select and copy. And,
> lastly, I did a screen shot. That works, but only
> screen, by screen.

You can do them when you submit by doing a print to pdf of the summary page, or you can go to the pay history after you submit, click on the report number, that opens the report and then print to pdf again.
Thanks, Athens.

All these years of saving their shops, my way, was a big fat waste of timesmiling smiley Narratives were intact as word docs. Referring back and opening a report has never been necessary, so I had no clue that the reports I saved were blank pages. There's a lesson to be learned there!
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