In some ways, I like the companies that don't self assign. The jobs come out during the day, when I am out doing 6 shops. By the time I come home, the self assigns I want are gone.
Better to establish a relationship with a company and then they call you. Watch for that shop that is hard to fill, and do it. For me, I will shop an area that is out in the desert, 20 miles from the outskirts of the main city. I save gas by looking for other hard to fill shops, and doing them at once. Thus ingratiating myself with several companies.
Oh, and keep your end of the month free. In August, I did 24 shops in 4 days, not the 5 dollar kind. They called me, said they needed help, were quite willing to pay gas money. Once we are on a first name basis, they remember you when you have a need.
I am a psychologist; spent my whole life working for myself. This is a new experience for me, forced by health issues. But it seems to me that we are all one community; companies.... schedulers, editors...... shoppers; if we don't learn to work together, none of us get paid. Figure out WHY you are not getting assigned shops, and change something. And if they call me because they have an urgent need, I try never to say no, even to fast food at 2 AM (yuk, I took my teen, lol). Because next time it will be a primo job, and she will (did) remember me.
To the most enjoyable job I ever had,