Flash Wrote:
> Love the image you build JayTee

I don't even
> bother with Certified. Unless you are including
> reimbursements in your average with the SNC branch
> of MFI you are doing a much higher average than
> is/would be available in my market. Otherwise
> kudos on being able to find so many jobs per week
> (either that or "You gotta be crazy to drive that
> far!"

I find it terribly important not to be too
> dependent on any one company. I start getting a
> little nervous when a single company is
> responsible for even 20% of my monthly income.
> Not interested in taking that kind of hit if they
> take a hike.
lisams901 Wrote:
>Wow I wish I could find 100 shops a week in my area.
First off that 100 is me and my wife added together, so that helps. All the "per day" and "per cycle" limits are doubled.
We have a huge market here, and I am willing to travel. I usually set my parameters for 50 miles out. I generally put about 75-100 miles a day on my little putt-putt truck, I use it when I can, because it gets just over 25 mpg.
I pick a different direction each day.
For example Mondays I go west. Tuesdays I go north. Thursdays I go south. Saturdays I go west. This alows me to schedule routes more effectively.
I have some standing marketing jobs, once a week or bi monthly in various cities around me, and I do them on the same day of the week. Then I go through all my job boards and grab up the jobs that are in those directions on those days.
Flash, the average pay per job I mentioned does not include reimbursement, but it does include several standing merchandising jobs I do that pay $25-30. A couple of those a week helps keep the average per job higher.