dee shops Wrote:
> lisams901 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Wow, again I wonder if it is different shops
> > available in different areas. I have seen a few
> $5
> > and $7.50 shops on there, but most that I do
> for
> > MFI are $13-$20.
> How far away are the shops? And how frequently do
> you check their board. They are known for this
> all over the country, and they raise when no one
> takes the shop. But even then, not that great.
> $20 is a huge fee for MFI. This discounts all
> banks that came from SG Marketing, as those paid
> well and continue to do so.
The shops range from my small town to about an hour away. But I live in a very small town in a rural area so for shops for all companies I have to travel about 30 minutes to an hour.
I check their board about twice a day.
$20 is a pretty big fee compared to other jobs offered in my area. I have also done a few $30 to $50 audits for them. That's more than I've seen for my area on any site.