Recent bad experience with Corporate Research. Just for sharing!!

Let me share one that recently happened to me. I was doing a "favor" for Corporate Research. They needed an Exxon gas station evaluated. I reluctantly accepted the shop. I went way out of my way to carry it out, took the pictures (yes, including the toilet stalls) and submitted the report.

I got a note the next day saying that I had been "unassigned". It really freaked me out and I sent them an e-mail asking what was wrong. It took them another week to respond and they told me that it was my fault because (and read closely)....


I asked them why hadn't they contacted me...I took plenty of pictures of all the surrounding pumps and they answered that it was there policy NOT TO CONTACT THE SHOPPERS AFTER THE REPORT WAS SUBMITTED.

In summary...

- I was requested by then to do the shop ("Please, do us a favor."winking smiley
- I went out of my way to complete it
- Took all the pictures (including of the embarrasing pictures of the toilet stalls)

END OF STORY...I learned my lesson!!! (you can make your own on conclusions)


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forgot to mention....

On the more positive side, they called me a couple of weeks ago for four "compliance" type shops that were posted at a measley $4 each.

I told the Scheduler that I don't even "consider" a shop for under $10 and I had done previous shops like that for $15 and $10, so let's "compromise" and make them $12 each. She agreed and we scheduled the shops.

Imagine my surprise when I went to get the paperwork for them and discovered she had posted them to me at $13 each!

We are having some "difficulty" with one shop because the receipt that I was given was so light that they can't read it, but they have been VERY cooperative about finding a way to make things work. The other 3 shops have all been processed and scored (5's YIPPEE!).

They ARE famous for offering very low fees, but they are also good about bonusing shops that don't get snagged up at the low rates.
I have only had one bad experience with CRI, but it did get straightened out. Please keep in mind that it is much easier to do their Live Chat. I'm not sure the time it starts in the morning but it does go to 5PM eastern time. However, it is also only available Mon-Fri. They don't pay well, but they do pay very fast. I only choose very easy shops or wait till the price increases. Unfortunately, the price nearly needs to double. Their shops aren't worth the time, gas, and other expenses for the reimbursement.
I also had a bad experience with Corporate Research. I did an *** also and they did like the pictures and never got in touch with me either. I kept calling since it was my first shop with them. I finally got in touch with them and they would not pay me since they did not like the pictures. I did a second job the same weekend and they almost did not pay me for that one. They said the editors got the work late. Well, I had proof that I sent it on time and they finaly did pay me. They are cheap and difficult to work with.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2007 02:41AM by JacobJ.
I had been working with CRI for some time, as a beginner I figured I had to pay my dues with small paying jobs in the beginning. But I now pass up the low paying ones as I feel more confident. I have had 2 episodes with CRI, one with a real estate shop, the details are much like all of yours where I was unassigned a job that I spent time and gas, and I do more of those shops than anything.
Now I have been booted out. I had a shop and unfortunately I got news of an only aunt at 92 in grave physical health so I drove to be with her and was gone several days as she died. When I got back I had many messages from CRI, all bad news. Bottom line was I had been disbarred, even with my explanation they basically ignored all my emails and I have asked how long this will go on. Threatened to go to their superiors, you know. You guessed it, no answers. But everyday they keep sending jobs to my email address?? That's my story and I'm sticken to it!
I have had a few problems with them. Just a couple of days ago, I was required to do a follow up report on an apartment shop. The follow up was due on 9/20, but I couldn't enter it because the editor had not reviewed my report yet. I checked the site most of the day and then had to go out. When I returned, the shop had expired, which means I couldn't submit the follow up. They will reprimand me for not submitting the required follow up. I wrote them but still have not gotten a response. It takes them days to respond to your e-mails.

I only work for them because they pay $20 or $30 for an apartment shop. Basically, I think they are extremely difficult at times.
I only did one shop for Corporate Research. They email for shops that aren't even in my area. I started with another place over 6 years ago but they don't have the variety of shops in my current area.
I have been doing shops for Corporate Research for about a year now, up until a month ago we had a great relationship. I recently accepted 9 jobs to be completed within 2 days for **** shops. They had increased the pay to 10 per job plus reimbursement. I was paid for every job except one. They told me basically the same thing, I answered one question incorrectly according to their "editors". They "said" I had answered that one location did not have a drink bar/fountain, so they unassigned me from that job, even though my records showed I had reported it correctly. I called them and asked why they did not call me to verify, they said they didn't do that, it takes too long. Yet, they called the location to verify whether the fountain was in that store. I asked how they could find time to do that and not call me. They couldn't give me an answer. I told the scheduler never to ask me to do another exxon shop, to remove me from all correspondence regarding those shops. Two days later I had 4 messages on my answering machine, and 5 emails all "begging" me to do the exxon shops that were overdue. I couldn't respond, all I could do was laugh. I won't do another shop for this company.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2007 03:41PM by JacobJ.
I have done 6 shops for CR and so far so good.

No problem with my reports and getting paid.

I won't do their gas station shops because the pay is to low for
the work they want.

I do like the Kangaroo 'shops' as they don't require a gas purchase
or pics being taken and it pays the same as other gas stations that
want pics.

Ginger, Silver Certificate MSPA, Shopping North Alabama, South Tennessee
I have never had a problem with them that hasn't been corrected promptly. They pay very badly though. 4 or 5 dollars is not enough.
Honestly, their company is a waste of time to me. There are many other good companies out there that pay much better than they do. I just don't bother with them. I hate being burned too. I know what that is like. I am sorry, Rudy!
I got burned by them several months ago. They can really mess with your mind. smiling smiley
It's not worth it.
I recently checked to see what my rating was with them and they have given me a five on every shop I have done. BUT!!!! I can not self-assign because they say my rating is only a 2.2. I have gotten to the place I don't care if I can self-assign with them because now I just sit back and wait for them to call me when they have something. I can negotiate the price and do not do anymore for them for less the $25.00 a shops. They are very willing if they want the job done to come up on their price. I usually have to drive quite aways and they realize that so are willing to pay me good if they want my help. I use to do several jobs a month for them but have started only doing 3-4 but at the higher rate it comes out better anyways.
No company is perfect. From reading the above, I get the distinct impression that most of you have had the same experience as I. Last summer, I latched onto a particular client, and did many of their shops, and it was great. I knew what to do, and CRI was quick to pay, and quick to assigne them to me.

They are a big company, and their communication could use some fine tuning.

I was doing a shop, and you call first, talk to an agent, then make an appointment with the same agent. To make it short..... she had a baby...and when I got there, she had given the notes on me to another agent. Fine..... the instructions say just interview the agent that is there. I went to my car to check this (always carry your instructions in your glove box).

I tell you all of this because the issue here is that CRI is stuck in the middle. The client refused the shop because I hadn't interviewed the agent I telephoned, even though I followed the guidelines, and even though I was hardly to blame for an agent with a baby. CRI doesn't get paid, and they passed that no pay to me.

CRI is wrong; they gave me the instructions, and I followed them in good faith. That is the POINT, that we put forward our time in good faith (4 hours, in this case),that we will be reinbursed (not to mention gas). It is they who should take the loss. But one scheduler explained to me that the competition out there is so tough, there are so many companies, that the shops have to cut their margins to the edge. That is not our problem; unlike other industries we are not employees that will lose our jobs, those jobs will just go to another company. But just as they should understand what is happening to us, we should understand what is happening to them. CRI will be one of the ones left standing when this Free Enterprise War is said and done, because they keep a tight budget; that doesn't mean I would ever do a gas station shop for $4.

But the worst thing is that their communications with me have been sketchy at best..... basically they just hope I will go away.

Doing what I enjoy,
I just received an e-mail today about my rating. The person who e-mailed me apologized and gave me my 5 and said they did not know why I could not self-assign as I had a perfect 5 rating. She also set me up to self-assign now. I just went in and checked to see what is available in our area and all I found were the ones where you have to go into a discount store and look for six people. $5.00 for that. FORGET IT!!!!!! I have to drive 40 miles to get to the closest store to start with. I'll wait until they call me.
I've been doing shops for them since April and have completed 43 shops. Last month and now this month (yesterday) I received a email unassigning me from my **** shops. They claimed I didn't complete the assignment yet I have my confirmation numbers. Last month was straightened out, this month I've yet to receive a response to my email. I told them I will Not do anymore ***** shops for them. Other companies pay much more and you don't have these problems. To me it's not worth it, I've been shopping for over 18 months now and shop for many companies and I don't need aggravation like this.
I have done over 50 shops for CRI.

I no longer do real estate (for anyone, actually). There are too many things that can go wrong, and the shop is an hour, the report two. Do the math, folks, when bank shops pay average $15 for an hours total work.

If enough of us refuse these shops, they will have to change their ways, and pay better. Then, if you lose a shop, and everyone does occasionally, you can take it (I lost a shop because my telephone contact and my tour guide were different people; the first had gone into labor in the time between when I called and when I arrived, It even said I was correct in targeting someone else in the directions!)

But you can bargain with them, the later in the month the better. Do it on the phone, or on their personal IM, that is located at the bottom of their home page during business hours. And some schedulers will go to bat for you more than others. Find them, and KEEP their phone numbers. They are worth gold.

Unfortunately, the training for Exxon states very clearly: take a picture of your own pump. There is even a question on the quiz. CRI is a very big company, and they hold you to the letter of the law.

Wannabe scheduler/editor
I just signed up w/ Corporate Research tonight and accepted two jobs. I thought the pay was really low. I took it to get my foot in the door in hopes of getting better paying assignments later. From what I'm reading, it doesn't look like that's gonna be the case.

I did get some good info in here though! I didn't know we could negotiate the pay! Thanks for the info! Wish I had rummaged around in here months ago!
Probably most valuable is to have completed the tests needed for the jobs you might want to do if the price was right. That way you are ready to jump in if and when the jobs get priced up to a level where you are willing to do them.
I had a death in the family and sent an email out to them advising that I would not be able to do a shop. I got a ton of emails from them about a late shop but no responses to my direct replies.Their communication system is horrible.After 6 months I foolishly accepted another assignment. Burned again.I removed my name from their list but I still get phone calls asking me to shops. Did I mention they have a horrendous problem with communication?
Update. I did two shops for CRI today. My first assignments w/ them. Both gas stations and I took some great pics. I filled out the reports and then hit "submit." I sat there for nearly 30 minutes waiting for the report to be submitted. Three times I tried to submit the reports! (Ok, I finally got up and took my kid to the park while waiting.) I figured that maybe it was taking so long b/c of the photos?? I've submitted many reports for other companies. But, I just can't figure this one out. I spent 5 hours on this today. After getting an error page, I would retype the entire report. I did this 3 or 4 times. I lost count. I am a little annoyed and have now given up. I emailed the company and I got a fairly quick reply indicating that they were not having any technical problems. Guess they won;t be contavting me again anytime soon.

Anyway, here's something to think about. We all hear complaints about gas prices. I bought $5 worth of gas today at one of the shops, and got less than a gallon and a half of gas! No kidding! I remember filling up my parents Toyota for $8 when I was 16. I don't consider myself too old at 32 - but that is crazy! Regular gas was $3.45 a gallon today. I've got the pics to prove it.
Heh, heh, heh. You can imagine what those of us in our 60s are feeling about gas prices smiling smiley When I was learning to drive there were "gas wars" between stations and on a good "gas war" you were paying 13-16 cents per gallon and some of them would even throw in a free coke or candy bar with purchase in addition to giving you trading stamps for your purchase. Plus, of course, they pumped it, washed your windshield and checked fluids under the hood and tire pressure for you. My "Allowance" for gas to go back and forth to school, church and other outings was $1 per week--which left enough even with a gas hungry car to chauffeur friends around as well.

As for CORI (or CRI), I keep my jpg files small, only send their minimum number (even though I have plenty more) and have had little problem getting the mess to upload. I usually move my laptop close to the wireless router so I have the maximum signal, hit it to send and walk away.
If you have any problems with CRI please use their Live Chat. I've used this feature myself numerous times and it's great. You'll quickly resolve any problems your having.
I've been a shopper for them for over 2 years and I have completed over 63 shops.
They are ok on the simple, no photo shops. I live in a rural area and
can shop five samll cities. I use them as fill. I have three good shops
in a town 20 miles up the road. I check their job board and pick up one or
two of their cheapies in the same town. It's extra bucks and almost no
addtional expense, but I would not drive as far as the mail box to do
one on its owm merits. I tried Exxon and still haven't figured out whether
its CRI or Exxon who is totally unreasonable. Maybe they deserve each other.
I would be embarrased to have a friend see me pump $1 worth of gas. It's
a come on to get you to fill up at Exxon while you are there, and their
bas is at least a dime higher than all their competition in my area.
John, please edit the client name out of your post. We aren't allowed to name the client and the MSP in the same thread and the MSP has been named.
CRI's top oil company client - and most likely, their biggest account - posted it's quarterly earnings last week - with a profit of almost $11,000,000,000.00.

Yes, folks - that's pure PROFIT for the oil company for just 3 months!

Love those $4 shops - and the nasty restsooms are just a bonus!
Yes, and you are as a taxpayer subsidizing their Ethanol "development" in addition to paying for the folly on your dinner table and in world disruptions due to starvation. A whole lot of reasons to cheer [NOT].
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