mrcomputer101 Wrote:
> It was unusual for a certain company to show a gas
> shop higher than $4. This one was @$42.00, but
> only a backup position available. I selected
> myself for the backup position anyways. Imagine my
> suprise when I got it. Location was some distance
> away from me in a part of Alabama when they have
> to pump sunshine in...
> I drove past a million pine trees on a single lane
> road before I found it. This place had definately
> seen better days. Various sized bullet holes in
> the sign and building should have warned me right
> off. Like a Dumb A**, I stopped and attempted to
> perform the shop, anyways.
> Got my $1 gas and headed inside, camera in hand,
> to capture a bathroom picture. There in the center
> of the store was a young boy who could easily been
> the stunt double in the movie "Deliverance". He
> was ragged and dirty right down to his bare feet.
> Made my way quickly to the bathroom and stood
> inside with my back against the door. I had just
> taken the first picture when I heard his voice
> screaming, "Halp! Halp!, Theres a Pervert in the
> bathroom taking pictures!". Later found out he had
> a Peep Hole!
> I quickly exited the bathroom and found my way
> blocked by the crazy boy, his father the CSR,(Both
> his eyes pointed in different directions and
> neither one focused on me), and grandpaw
> brandishing a sawed off shot gun. The whole time I
> kept thinking, "Paddle faster Mr.C, Paddle
> faster".
> I whipped out my authorization letter from my back
> pocket and explained I was making observations so
> the oil company would fix things for them. After
> grandpaw read the letter aloud to the other 2,
> things calmed down. They then insisted I take
> pictures of everything, including a couple of
> family shots. I left as soon as possible and did
> my report.
> Next my favorite company informed me that I would
> not be paid because I was biased. Biased? I went
> to arbitration and got paid anyways.
> Anyone got anything to compare with this?...
That story makes getting covered with the fallout of a garbage truck and being chased by a horny goat seem tame by comparison. I think you belong on Zoltar. (and that's a compliement)
Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain