Thanks for the feedback, friends. But I still do think that everyone should leave him alone for awhile and give him a chance to turn around. If the company is unfair, we will cetainly hear about it here.
Some on here and I think Jacob said so at one point too, that everyone has a different experience with different companies. So far my experiences have been very postiive with all the companies I have worked for, and that is one reason I went off the wall when I thought I was getting stiffed, but I also had not given the company a chance to rectify the situation because of a misunderstanding. Like I said, something you just have to learn from experience.
My purpose is not to defend this company, but simply to say what is true and fair; my personal opinions, just like in the reports I do are not important, nor is it important what I think of DAve or the company. What is important is that everyone deserves fair treatment.
I had one more thought, since the company still is in business, they must have shoppers who are happy with them? Perhaps they do not belong to this forum, and would they be believed anyway since the company has already been accused of having people in here that he pays to say good things?
Again, I am not defending this company, I am an honest and truthful person and believe in giving credit where credit is due. He could have ignored my issue...and I would have reported that as negatively as well.
I think this is a very important forum for us, and to have soooo much negativity is not good for the new shoppers coming in and reading what we have to say. There are alot of people on this forum who have credibility and there are those that don't. Not everyone will figure out who each group is that joins this forum, so it would behoove us to be careful just how much negative information we place here. What I think of him is not important, I don't work for him, I work for me.
But what the heck do you want from him? He was a "jerk", he came across as such in his postings, so what. What matters is that he took care of the problem! What more can he do? How can you stop bashing him if you don't let anyone tell the truth about him and hs company? Maybe he has learned his lesson (if he hasn't by now.....well....) and he needs time to prove it. I think Flash and others are right to just not respond to him at this point. So i say lets give it all a rest, this is my last comment on the subject.
Thanks everyone for listening to me!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2011 08:13PM by Tumbleweed.