dee shops Wrote:
> I rarely shop for them because they do not pay
> what I expect to make for my services. I don't
> have issues with "anything this company does," but
> I do have issues with their willingness to keep
> going lower and lower on their pay scale. Whether
> you agree or not, in my opinion the CoRI's and the
> MFI's driving rates lower and lower for shoppers
> at their firms spreads to other companies, as
> these often fairer and better to work for
> companies have to compete for clients. I don;t
> have any grudges against CoRI. But I don't have
> any love for them, either, and I totally disagree
> with how they disrespect the worth of shoppers
> with these kind of pay scales.
Shoppers disrepect themselves by accepting these low paying jobs, knowing that they will go up eventually.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2010 07:36AM by Emdisco.