Re:Market F----

Hey everyone,

Anyone that works for the company Market F----(you know who I'm talking about)notice how their pay has really went down ?
I noticed a lot of their phone jobs have dropped from $10 to $8 and some to even $6 .I wonder what is happening,I've also noticed in my area (Texas)the jobs have really dropped off.Any comments from any other shoppers .I wonder if they lost some of their contracts or what?

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To me, they appear to be getting more clients.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Market F*** is a good name for them. Oh mercy me, you mean they lowered their fees yet again and the poor little shopper gets bonked? Situation normal.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
I have noticed that they have picked up a few new clients to do audits for ,but like I said some of their jobs (at least in my area)the fees have gotten lower.
Plus their listngs have fallen way off,they used to have many jobs in my area.Now when you do a job search ,you come up with maybe two or three. Who know's ????
Maybe they're trying to faze me out.I have heard stories,how how when they decide you've done enough work for them that they simply quit offering you jobs.Thank God,they're not the only co.I shop for !!!!
As I have said in other threads about them, they are not my favorite. They are so impersonal and automated. On the other hand, they always have jobs (here, many, many...) and they always pay on time and their pay schedule is more frequent than a lot out they are like a necessary evil. And yes, they are cheap.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
They have obtained a client that used to be with another MSP and the phone shop have dropped from $5 to $3. The calls seem a little more brain dead than they used to be though wending your way through the MF website is still a PITA to get to where you are finally reporting data instead of verification of shop/shopper stuff.
I haven't noticed a drop in pay, but I have noticed that they don't have as many jobs as they used to have in my area.

When they bought out CFA, I was hoping they would take a lot of those jobs and phase CFA out. But so far that doesn't appear to be happening.

I know they are on the low end of the pay scale, but I like them beacuse they pay on time, every time, with direct deposit. They have never questioned one of my reports. They are professional and seem to have their act together.

The MF group, (which takes in several different companies) accounts for just under 50% of my income each month.

It used to be closer to 65%, but like I said, business seems to be dropping off a little bit.
I certainly want to stay in their good graces for when the upscale casual restaurants decide to resume shops. Those were with one company that got incorporated into the behemoth and the shop fees/reimbursements stayed the same while the rotation got shorter and the jobs ended up self-assign rather than doled out by schedulers to pets. Those were some sweet gigs.
The closest they ever had to anything like that here, Flash, was the casual steak place that's family friendly and has awesome graphics on TV commercials... :-)

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
They had a few here including a steak place and a fish place. I heard rumor they also had a chain Italian though I never caught up with it. I know the predecessor company had the Italian. But the steak place has 6 locations within my shopping area and the fish place 2.
Yes, I know what chain you are talking about, and my husband used to provide their Hawaiian fish in his last job. That is supposed to be a good restaurant.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Poetically good is the most apt description. I'm amused because Food Network has been running ads for a show where their chefs talk about the best thing they ever ate and Bert pipe in "The Sea Bass from ___________".
I'm the worst at figuring out everyone's clues. Clueless. I don't watch much tv, or maybe I'm just not that swift.
I assume that for the steak place Dee Shops and I are on the same page, but the ads I see I don't find particularly awesome with graphics. But prior discussion alerted me that her hubby provided fish for the fish place.
Yes, because they have co-partnered with a couple of other companies that were low pay too. They still have some good shops though, when you can find them. I like this company.
This company has never had all that many jobs in my area of the country and usually they are not real high paying jobs but they do handle one line of gas stations that are around here. Usually, when they come out with their MS/audits for these gas stations, they offer $12 for a shop that takes around 30 minutes to do, not counting the time entering the report. But I have had them bonus their shops significantly when the time gets tight. Just a couple of weeks ago one of their people called me and said she saw that I had done certain stations earlier this year and was I interested in doing some of them again? She mentioned 6 of them in a route that would cover about 500 miles. I asked how much the pay would be and she said they had paid me $60 each earlier this year (and they had) and she could offer that to me again. Of course I snatched them right up and spent a day on a long motorcycle ride around the state. What was kinda funny was, at the last one I did, the guy behind the counter recognized me from before and so he asked me if the company gave me the full $100 to do these audits because that's what they charged him when I did one. I didn't tell him how much they did pay me, just that they didn't pay me $100 for each audit. So let's see..., if they start out paying someone $12 to do these things, it looks like they make some pretty serious coin then. Even when they have to up the fee to $60, they still are not losing out by any means. Sometimes I wonder how much their schedulers make and if they are paid by the hour or by the job they schedule.
Apparently there are different prices. I saw one audit listed for $30 for them, and another for $17.00.
The $30 audits are 200 item, the $17 are 100 item. Otherwise the shops are substantially the same.
What kind of audits are they? Like the pricing ones for TS?

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Don't know the ones from TS. These are looking at advertised prices, shelf prices and stickered prices for uniformity.
Oh, that is one you wrote about previously, right?

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Market F*** LOL

One of my personal wosrt is Market F*** and right along with them would be their child company, Certified.
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