accessing gapbuster website

Is anyone else experiencing a "broken link" message when trying to log on to gapbuster's website?

This has been going on for a couple of days and I am wondering how to input my shop info tomorrow if it continues.

Any suggestions?

thanks - I am new to this.

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I am answering obviously some time after your post, but when I just accessed the site I had no issues. I am using Firefox 3.0.8. Let me suggest that you try a different browser or a different computer. It may be that the computer you are using needs to have cache cleared.
The site was down for quite awhile, but it's now up again. The issue was them, not you smiling smiley

Independent Scheduler
I have not had a problem accessing. But they do not have any shops that are near me. I really like their tutorial. It is very instructional and definitely good for the newbies.
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