I guess I won't be shopping Whole Foods, at least not for payment! I have to go there becuase my son has a reaction to certain food dyes and one specific preservative found in certain meats, so I have to buy most of my meat and all our snack foods there. It's a costly situation to be in, but I don't have a choice. I spend about $35 a week minimum at WHole Foods. It allows him to have food that his freinds have without feeling different- doritos, hot dogs, fruit roll ups, etc. are a few of the things I regularly buy there. Our Easter Ham came from there and it was $58.00! Ouch.
I do the sushi shops for them, but that is not a WF shop. That is from Gengi Express, the company that is subcontracted by WF to provide their shushi in their stores.
I have googled San Antontio and San Diego mystery shopping, Whole Foods mystery shop/ping. *shrug*
PS: I am already signed up with one company is San Antionio-they have an awful website that uses a weird fade in/fade out feature. They have no job board, and most features are disabled.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2009 02:31PM by SusanMB.