I currently work for JBS/Jellybean Services.
If you invoice your work, you get paid. I've been there for 4 months now and have never once had an issue with getting in touch with JBS or getting paid. I've always been paid on time and I know alot of others who can say the same thing.
Also, not to be rude, but to critize a companies name is silly. JBS does a lot of volunteer work and has a website dedicated to kids, so when they expanded because they did not make a WHOLE new name for their court researching, makes them unproffessional? I've been around the work at home scene for quite some time, I can name a few companies that also have a "silly" name. That's just a silly accusation in my opinion. My dad owns a restaurant called Ob's Fish Fry, he's owned it for 30 years and people ask whats up with the nane, fact of the matter is, when he took it over, the guy who owned it before him was nicknamed O.B. and didn't see the point in changing it.
Dee- you said it yourself "There is more to a name than what you see". You made my point and Abe's point perfectly. Thank you for that.
Regardless of this entire conversation. JBS is a legit company, they pay on time and are very professional people to work with. My questions never go unanswered and I know I can contact any of my admins by email or phone.
I've actually built a team of my own workers within JBS and I can't believe how many people with the desire to work from home, do not answer my emails, send in paperwork,ect. They beg on forums that they need work, we offer the work and they never follow through.
I don't think Abe did anything wrong in this thread and I'm not just saying that because I work with him.
People are so quick to judge a company, there aren't many legit companies out there and this one is. So anyone who is reading this, JBS is LEGIT and do PAY ON TIME.
Also, the pay is not for pennies. JBS compensates it's researchers very fairly, alot better than other WAH companies that pay less than 10 cents per query.
All I'm saying, is do the research before you bash a company. There are alot of folks looking for work out there right now and I'd hate to see them pass up JBS just because someone did not follow the very laid out invoice instructions to get paid and decided to state so.
Have a nice day.