Jellybean Services???

I could not believe the name of this was correct, but apparently it is.

They are supposedly hiring for Court Researchers? All you need is part time, day time availability and a laptop, plus the ability to type.

Had anyone done this or heard of this company?

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Over the years there have been several outfits that have done this type of work. I am not familiar with this one.

The kinds of jobs with these to be wary of are the ones where you are doing background checks on individuals. They want it done at the original records, not remotely with your computer. The issue is that they pay mystery shopper type fees rather than legal assistant or PI fees and they only pay you per piece of dirt you dig up. So if they give you a bunch of deadbeats with criminal backgrounds, you might do okay. If they give you a bunch of good guys you could be spinning your wheels all day for nothing.
That is what I thought. Why aren't they paying for "real" legal assistants? It sounds too good to be true, and you know the rule for that one.
Why pay the normal and usual rates for qualified work when you can snag shoppers and only pay them peanuts when you get information you can use? Who cares if you cheat/underpay shoppers? It is, after all, only piece work.
Well, went to the web site and sure 'nuf! Not a very professional sounding name for a company working in a courtroom setting. Have not heard anything good or bad about them.
I started working for Jellybean Services last February just because there wasn't much else to do at the time and I was kinda curious about what to expect and how much money to make. You are required to submit records that are no more than 2 weeks old. The first time I did that, I retrieved about 34 records for Burleigh County (where I live). They pay 0.25 per usable record so I was suppose to get 8.50 for that submission. Two weeks later I got some more records from Burleigh County and also managed to get some from Morton County (just across the river). I submitted them but never heard anything back (the first time they emailed me back to let me know there were 2 or 3 records they couldn't use). Two weeks later I went back to the court houses and got records again and submitted them (I believe each time I got between 30-40 records from Burleigh County and 25-30 records from Morton County. The third time they emailed me back again about some records they couldn't use. So I emailed them to make sure they received the 2nd batch of records. They claimed they never received any. By now I could see that getting $8-9 every 2 weeks from Burleigh County records and around $7.50 every 2 weeks from Morton County records was not going to get me very far so I decided to back off for the time being. The thing is, I never even got paid for the records I did submit. I know I should probably email them and complain about it but it just hardly seems worth the effort. I did receive an email from them about 3 weeks ago saying that they would no longer be able to accept records from me and I shouldn't submit anymore because they wouldn't pay for them. So I guess I can't recommend them at this time.
Tough luck. What would it take to make Jellybean happy and pay up? Thanks for sharing.
gcarterh Wrote:
> I started working for Jellybean Services last February just because there wasn't much else to do at the time and I was kinda curious about what to expect and how much money to make. You are required to submit records that are no more than 2 weeks old. The first time I did that, I retrieved about 34 records for Burleigh County (where I live). They pay 0.25 per usable record so I was suppose to get 8.50 for that submission. Two weeks later I got some more records from Burleigh County and also managed to get some from Morton County (just across the river). I submitted them but never heard anything back (the first time they emailed me back to let me know there were 2 or 3 records they couldn't use). Two weeks later I went back to the court houses and got records
> again and submitted them (I believe each time I got between 30-40 records from Burleigh County and 25-30 records from Morton County. The third time
> they emailed me back again about some records they couldn't use. So I emailed them to make sure they received the 2nd batch of records. They claimed
> they never received any. By now I could see that getting $8-9 every 2 weeks from Burleigh County records and around $7.50 every 2 weeks from Morton County records was not going to get me very far so I decided to back off for the time being. The thing is, I never even got paid for the records I did submit. I know I should probably email them and complain about it but it just hardly seems
> worth the effort. I did receive an email from them about 3 weeks ago saying that they would no longer be able to accept records from me and I shouldn't submit anymore because they wouldn't pay for them. So I guess I can't recommend them at this time.

Hey Glenn,
Don't complain about not being paid until you submit a invoice for the work that you did. You've never once submitted an invoice for any record you collected so of course you never got a check. You didn't answer my three e-mails REMINDING you to invoice. You didn't return my two PHONE CALLS following up with you.
You should give the whole story, not leave pieces out. We have a entire section on how to invoice, and training clearly points out that you need to invoice in order to get paid.
That's why you never received a check. You never invoiced. I guess I'll make this a 4th follow up for you, my number is 866-616-8999 ex. 701

Our website, BTW, for researchers is []

Anyone wanting feedback about JBS/Jellybean Services, look us up on the Volition forums, and There's tons of it on those sites.
You can also search me on Volition, I'm Blueabe, been registered as a mystery shopper for many years before starting in the court research business. I didn't just come out of the blue.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 02:24AM by jellybeansvs.
KanEHdeeANNA Wrote:
> Well, went to the web site and sure 'nuf! Not a
> very professional sounding name for a company
> working in a courtroom setting. Have not heard
> anything good or bad about them.

Also adding, if you read up about the company, we don't do a single thing in the "court room", it's a court office. The name, "Jellybean Services" is a direct spin off from the kids website that we had 5 years before getting into court research. The name of the website is which has been marked as a attack site because of a counter that was put on there, and the firefox team just won't remove the warning.

The name has nothing to do with it. If you think about it, what kind of name is "Apple" for a computer? It's well known now, so no one thinks anything of it. As long as the quality and service is there, it doesn't matter. We're the only court research company that didn't name the company after ourselves.

The goal of Jellybean Services is not just court research. The original intention of the name was to open a toy/candy store in the West Michigan area but ended up down a different road. We also put in A LOT of community service and volunteer services in the west michigan area every month. I put in close to 120 hours of volunteer driving every month transporting cancer, aids, and medicare patients to the doctors who otherwise have no access to get the medical care they need. I've been doing that since 2005.

Our goal in the next couple of years is to set up a shelter for families that have lost their jobs and homes to provide long term, family style living as a non-profit. We're also going to try and get that toy/candy store going to support it under the Jellybean Services name.

We are also registered with the BBB. We're suppose to be accredited, don't know why it doesn't say we aren't. I have to call Monica from the BBB again to see what's up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 02:34AM by jellybeansvs.
Perhaps "glenn" used the name "gcarterh" so that he could maintain his privacy on the WWW. If he wanted to use the name "glenn," I am sure he would have used it here himself.

Why is it that company owners always think it is ok to "unmask" the complainers? In my opinion, not respecting identity issues on the web is
rude and presumptuous. You could have said the same thing without exposing his name to the world.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
It is also probably irrelevant as gcarterh has not returned to the forum since 5/14 so is not likely to get the message anyway. Using the Personal Message option will/would have notified gcarterh that there was a message here for him/her but maybe they didn't have that option in the days when Jellybean was so active at V so he/she never heard about it.
Is "Glenn" the only Glenn in the entire United States? Did I give any other identifying information about "Glenn"? Did I say where he was from? Did I give his e-mail address? Until you deal with what I deal with, don't critisize. People like to try and stay annoymous when bashing and not giving full stories about companies. We have over 32 Glenn's in our application database. However, this "Glenn" is the only one that violated his IC agreement and Confidentiality agreement with some of the information that he put into his post. That is, unless you're saying it's ok to violate your ICA?

Perhaps you should look and see how he stated he was never paid so he decided not to do it anymore instead of finding something to complain about. There's a lot more to the story than that. He didn't decide to stop, there was A LOT more to it than that. He never invoiced. That's why he was never paid. The fault fell back on him, and yet he tried to make himself the victim. I called it out directly because I do not stand for lies.

Sending a "private message" doesn't address false rumors. Maybe you didn't read the whole post where I stated how he was contacted several times via phone and e-mail so we could pay him, and he never returned it. What could would a private message due? So I addressed it right on the thread where the false information was being posted.

The internet is a public domain. People hiding behind a name often have something to hide. Like it or not, you can find almost anything you want to know about anyone using the internet if you know how to do it. Being in court research has also taught me just how easy it is to acquire someone's social security number, which is public knowledge and ANYONE can see it (The court records). Your post seems to say that you think it's ok to give false information and the truth should only be done in secret.

It's true what they say that you never hear anything about a company unless it's bad. People don't like to focus on the good, they like to focus on the bad.

Your snide comment about underpaying and cheating shoppers was out of line. We have researchers averaging $20-30+/hour while collecting the data. People are dishonest. We tried paying a flat rate and per hour rate instead of a per piece rate. People started submitting 8 records and stating it took them 3 hours to do it. It doesn't take 3 hours to do 8 records. 8 records can be done in 5 minutes. Per record rate rewards people for putting in time and effort instead of getting the same rate as some person who isn't working at all (And we've all worked that job where we did all the work and got the same pay as someone else who didn't do anything)

There is no need for "Legal experts" for what we do. It's public data. We're not writing law papers, nor are we practicing law. That's like stating mystery shoppers should use private investigators instead of shoppers.

We turn down clients that don't want to pay for their records fairly. We had someone offer us 5 cents/record for information to collect. What kind of rate would go to the researcher? Not a very good one. I won't do it. And with our guanteed $10 payout, it doesn't matter if there is 2 records or 25, they still get the $10 while JBS is losing money on that deal. What other company would ever pay someone a rate where they know they will knowingly lose money on it? We take care of our people fairly.

I'm not going to be like most companiese and take verbal abuse and smile and continue. If someone is going to be posting false information, they better be ready to get the whole story shot right out for everyone to see. The truth needs to be told. If I wrong someone, I admit it, and I'm not going to hide behind a false name to do it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 11:18AM by jellybeansvs.
What I see is the reason people use aliases on forums. If you criticize and expose the shopper, it is fine. If the shopper criticizes your firm, it is not. Every time this comes to this here, with a firm trying to find out who posted "bad" stuff about them, it always breaks down to this type of situation. And often sometimes ends up with the person from the firm being removed from the forum. I asked you to respect the fact that "glenn" did not use that name. If "glenn" was so unidentifiable, as you state here, then it should not have been so easy for you to figure out who he was. But you presumed to. So we should be free to presume that you would violate his and other's confidentiality. I would bet it had to do with g and carter being in his name, along with what he said about his county, that made you figure out who he was. And, people weren't really paying much attention to the thread till you jumped in to defend your honor, even though YOU used an alias posted on V to do so.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 12:14PM by dee shops.
Does this remind anyone of Dave????

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
One more thing-have you considered the reason for the name APPLE computer? I bet it had way less to do with the fact than Jobs and Wozniak liked apples than with you liking some comic book character. Having worked in the computer industry as an HR director in the Silicon Valley, I can state there is more to the name than what you see. How about this: computers, back when Apple came up, were big, and took large rooms. Yet they made one "easy as apple pie." What does that have to do with your firm? Nothing.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 11:53AM by dee shops.
My name on Volition still has my name in it. Easy figureable. The person stating that he was never paid was found because he listed what county he visited. I simply searched our database from the county that he listed as visited. In fact, I thought it was someone else and was surprised to find it was him.

I see, so your thoughts are, it's ok for people to bash companies and to spread lies, but it's not ok for the companies to defend themselves and to tell the truth?

Sounds like you're saying it's ok to give false information about companies as long as you can stay 100% annoymous.

I did not critisize Glenn at all. He was a good researcher in a tough, rural area. A lack of communication on his part is what happened. I had all sorts of things planned for him, and I wanted to get him a online county where he could do it from home to thank him for covering such a rural area.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2009 03:20PM by jellybeansvs.
I currently work for JBS/Jellybean Services.

If you invoice your work, you get paid. I've been there for 4 months now and have never once had an issue with getting in touch with JBS or getting paid. I've always been paid on time and I know alot of others who can say the same thing.

Also, not to be rude, but to critize a companies name is silly. JBS does a lot of volunteer work and has a website dedicated to kids, so when they expanded because they did not make a WHOLE new name for their court researching, makes them unproffessional? I've been around the work at home scene for quite some time, I can name a few companies that also have a "silly" name. That's just a silly accusation in my opinion. My dad owns a restaurant called Ob's Fish Fry, he's owned it for 30 years and people ask whats up with the nane, fact of the matter is, when he took it over, the guy who owned it before him was nicknamed O.B. and didn't see the point in changing it.

Dee- you said it yourself "There is more to a name than what you see". You made my point and Abe's point perfectly. Thank you for that.

Regardless of this entire conversation. JBS is a legit company, they pay on time and are very professional people to work with. My questions never go unanswered and I know I can contact any of my admins by email or phone.

I've actually built a team of my own workers within JBS and I can't believe how many people with the desire to work from home, do not answer my emails, send in paperwork,ect. They beg on forums that they need work, we offer the work and they never follow through.

I don't think Abe did anything wrong in this thread and I'm not just saying that because I work with him.

People are so quick to judge a company, there aren't many legit companies out there and this one is. So anyone who is reading this, JBS is LEGIT and do PAY ON TIME.

Also, the pay is not for pennies. JBS compensates it's researchers very fairly, alot better than other WAH companies that pay less than 10 cents per query.

All I'm saying, is do the research before you bash a company. There are alot of folks looking for work out there right now and I'd hate to see them pass up JBS just because someone did not follow the very laid out invoice instructions to get paid and decided to state so.

Have a nice day.
Also, SusanMB- you were the one interested in applying. Legal ast. are not needed to do this job, you are simply collecting the data. Depending on what project you're one, each entry takes 30-60 seconds and the court house provides you with the information. You are not going to court, you are in the court house.
kscronk512 Wrote:
> Depending on what project you're one, each entry takes 30-60 seconds and the court house provides you with the information. You are not going to court, you are in the court house.

Not all take 30-60 seconds, I know your project does. Those crazy Adjustable mortgages take WAY longer than that, but that's why those pay like $1.50 each. I hate those ones, I don't even like taking on clients that want those because they're a pain in the butt.
Please spare me the lecture by someone who has never posted before.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Why are you being rude to me? Just because I've never posted doesnt mean I havent read the forum before. What a turn off to this entire forum. Why are you so against JBS and why are you being so rude to a new member. Thanks, way to make me feel welcome. Wow
I never said the company was not legit, and I never criticized the company itself, I criticized the fact that the owner, by his own writing, came here looking for something bad written about his firm, found it, then found need to call the person by a name they had not identified themselves using here in a silly game of game of one upmanship. I criticized the behavior and the willingness he had to use his knowledge of a person to expose their real name to the world.

I also criticized his knowledge of the name of a computer company.

Would I want to work for the company? No, not after reading his writing. Would he want me to work for him? No, not after reading mine.

As for kscronk512, the timing of your first post seems planned by JBS's owner. If not, and you happen to hang out and chat regularly, then I will have to relevalute my post about your post, and apologize should I find my first take incorrect.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Excuse me kscronk512, but even I can see that you only registered to join this forum on 5/28/09 at 11:08 AM, shortly before your post at 11:18 AM. Considering the length of your post, it seriously looks like an "agenda" post. You also have not introduced yourself but rather honed in on this thread. While you may have been a guest 'lurker' reading this forum for some time, that you would jump in and as your first and only posts be participation in this thread would tend to confirm the suspicions of an "agenda". While DeeShop's comment may indeed be perceived as sarcastic and rude, it nevertheless has foundation in the reality of "agenda posts".

Dee Shops and others here are acutely aware that there is a confidentiality agreement which we sign when we sign up with any MSP. We have the right to assume that that confidentiality goes both ways. We have had previous examples of shoppers expressing frustration and anger with companies and company owners magically appearing to "call them out" in public. It is ugly, it focuses on the pettyness of the MSP and it is always done under the 'holy banner of protecting our honor'. There is always a shill running behind to sing the praises of the company on their very first and very immediate post. Is there any reason we should expect it to be different this time?

If you were indeed reading this forum and had experience with this company, wouldn't it be reasonable for you to have signed up long before now to say simply that "gcarterh, that has not been my experience. Have you tried contacting them?"

I'm sorry if you see this as rude to you, but it is the reality I see.
I went to V and searched the owner self-touted feedback, and I did not find much. I found lots of congratulations emails, but only one person who left feedback, and it was of the "ebay" type...I quote: "Great company, Great communication , Fast Payment," (The out of place comma at the end of the sentence is from the original poster, not me.) That was in June of 2008.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Dee, I'm sure you also discovered there are a lot of people that support me on that forum and many people respect my knowledge of the mystery shopping world and know that I honor and respect everything there is about working with independent contractors. You would have also discovered that I am a star contributor on there, such as you are here.

I don't care if you want to work for us or not. Just because you don't like my writing doesn't mean anything. I didn't like the president we had, but that doesn't mean I denounced my American citizenship. I don't have to impress anyone, nor am I going to.

Looking at some other posts on here, you seem to have the reputation of cyber bullying people that come to this forum.

Flash, I'm sure if kcronk had something bad to say about JBS, you woudln't have said one word, but because it was positive, you felt the need to jump right in and start problems.

Don't y'all have better things to do than complain because someone that posted false information was corrected? I'm sorry that you feel that companies should never defend themselves when someone is posting false information. Just to set the record straight, we are NOT a MSP, nor will we EVER be a MSP. I will NOT run my business the way MSP's do it, and treat people the way they do.

I'm done with this, this has got to be the most immature tantrum I've ever seen people throw online.
jellybeansvs Wrote:

> Flash, I'm sure if kcronk had something bad to say
> about JBS, you woudln't have said one word, but
> because it was positive, you felt the need to jump
> right in and start problems.

I have no experience with Jellybean and have stated no opinion about it. My initial post in this thread was about a type of work you indicate that Jellybean does not do and it was directed at several companies that do that kind of work. Therefore it is irrelevant to you or to your business. My only comment related to you or your posts was regarding the more appropriate matter of taking your concerns to the Private Messages. A poster has the option of changing their message at a later time if what they perceived was in error, as you well know since it would appear you have edited posts of your own.

What I do take umbrage with is violating confidentiality, which I feel you have blatantly done and the high degree of likelihood that you have enlisted another, who has never previously been part of the conversations on this forum, to post in your defense. We have seen that pattern of behavior before and it is often questionable whether the supporter is a real person or just another face of the same original poster. And isn't it telling that once the owner of this forum shuts down a thread the great supporter never returns???

So I have nothing to say for or against your company, only your tactics.
I have to jump back in, I am a real person. I used my screen name that I use on many WAH forums for the exact reason, I knew I was going to get attacked for supporting JBS. I dont care, you can think what you want, however, I am a real person who reads these forums regularly and felt the need to jump in here. I work two WAH jobs and am very proud of both companies so anytime one is bashed, whether I am a poster or not, I usually register and defend them. God for bid. Geesh.

You are correct, I most likely will never post again, not because I was "enlisted" to post on behalf of JBS, but more because I do not enjoy the attitude this thead/forum has towards other posters opinions.

So farewell all, enjoy.
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