I did my first shopping about 2 weeks ago, for a chain bakery resturant for "sat-services."
It took me over 3 hours and at least 2 rewrites of my report and they would not accept it because it was not "detailed" enough. Regardless of how much detail I submitted on my report, it was never enough. They called and harassed me at home and my email address. I wrote the report 2x and each time took me about 2 hours to write up.
At the rate of $10. for the shopping, this becomes less then $3.00 an hour for my personal time and efforts. My first interview stated that I would be reimbursed a total of $12.00, but after my first "corrected" report, I was told I would only be reimbursed $10.00
I wrote them back stating that I do not work for less then mininum wages, and that I will not do any more work for them, nor would I recommend their method of "Mystery Shopping" to anyone.
I was able to keep a copy of my first "corrected" report copy, and am considering bring this document directly to the management at my local chain bakery resturant . This will allow management understand that they might be getting scammed and fraud from "so called customers", aka Mystery Shoppers.
Take this for what its worth
Unhappy and disappointed
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2011 05:08PM by daveinlite.