Hi Mert,
Yes. Sorry about the delay. I'm going to school full-time in an accelerated program and working full-time in addition to all the merchandising and mystery shopping + insurance-related commercial property inspections/field work I do.
Okay. Here goes. I worked for Certified off and on for almost 1 year. My main problem with them was that, when I submitted my shops, they always found 'problems' that they used as an excuse not to pay me for. Yet, they continued to give me assignments. Doesn't make sense, does it?
Yet, they were never specific about the errors with my shops. Oh, sure...I got paid every now and then. They did that to string me along. I'm willing to bet they submitted my so-called faulty shops to the client and were paid on them. But, Certified is a big company. They have several schedulers.
And, I always seemed to get a different scheduler each time. Is there a huge turnover at Certified? If so, that might explain why I kept getting assignments, if new schedulers weren't told that my shops were faulty, as was implied by the reps. I spoke to when I asked why I hadn't been paid. Who knows...
Maybe Certified is having problems, and is trying to work them out. For those of you lucky enough to have had a positive experience with them, congratulations. You were very fortunate. I have a few favorite MSP's, myself. But, unfortunately, Certified isn't one of them. Plus, after they finally deactivated me, the company they merged with - MarketForce - begin having problems, themselves.
Maybe that's a coincidence. Who knows. But, I still keep tabs on them. I'm hoping to one day return, when they get their act together. I especially enjoyed doing their theatre audits, auto dealership reviews, and miniature golf shops.
Fortunately, I still do these with other companies, just not as often as I did with Certified. I rarely got paid. But, I had fun anyway. Hope this answers your question. I have three 70-page chapters to read/study/memorize for a test next week. Good night.
P.S. Dee. No one here (not njrebel1978, unitechpetro (that's me), nor any other member) accused you of being a rep. for Certified. njrebel1978 merely stated that you could be, just as any of us could be. But, even if you were, I wouldn't care. Because, ultimately, I hope that Certified does have reps. monitoring this forum.
That would show that they care about their image, and that would suggest that they are trying to improve themselves. As long as Certified and other MSP's don't sue forums like this out of existence, I don't really have a problem with them. But, I do have a problem with companies not seeking improvement, who only spy on forums like this one in an effort to find comments they can use to shut us down.
It's happened to other forums. Remember [
www.walmartsucks.com]? It was shut down by the webhost due to threats by overpaid lawyers. That is just one example. There is also constant legal trouble for [
www.ripoffreport.com,and] other similar sights. So. Yes. In an effort to help prevent this forum from being shut down, I will be very careful with my comments.
Alas, I will not mention MSP clients. And, I haven't done so, yet. But, hopefully, we can be honest about our experiences with the MSP's, themselves. If not, this forum will become a ghost town. And, even though I do like ghost towns, I hope this forum stays active. Thanks!