Your question is two parts really. To figure out who shops in your area, check and get signed up with those companies. The specific jobs will be gone but you will at least be in a position to check their job boards for other work and available next time the shops in your area post.
"Pay well" is a relative term and depends on what your parameters are. Although I have been doing this for a number of years, there are very few jobs I have ever performed that I would say "Paid well." Rather some jobs 'pay better' than others. Some jobs are an absolute waste of your time and gas, some are break even, some are even somewhat profitable. If your interest is in fees only, those almost always fall into the first two categories. If you are looking at overall value of the fees plus the reimbursements to you, then there are more jobs that become interesting. In my opinion you would earn more per hour slinging burgers at McDonalds than most fee only jobs. Jobs where the fee is higher generally have more complex shops and more complex reports that by the time the dust settles are back to minimum wage or below for the time involved.