My intuition tells me they are. And this is bolstered by their response late yesterday afternoon that they 'have' my submitted paperwork and as of last evening the jobs were being listed as "in process". Unless the Post Office was being quite slovenly,they have had my paperwork since 11/19 or 11/20, which in theory should mean I will have payment in hand by 12/22 or 12/23 if not before. If they are playing games, I can't expect to see my payment until January. I'll keep you posted. It may well be that ". . .shedding clients . . . like cat hair" is precisely the problem.
Of course I think you know that I am expecting a number of MSPs to fail and leave shoppers unpaid before this recession is over. I know of only one MSP who has admitted to cash flow problems with a clear statement of purpose that they plan to get shoppers paid in full in the sequence in which jobs were performed. Cash flow is essential to any business and when clients are slow to pay, will pose a problem though not necessarily a disaster for the MSP. Remember that shoppers are just one expense of the business--there is also salaried staff and other overhead. If the MSP has a large enough net loss of clients, they will not meet their salaried staff and other overhead--and unfortunately with some MSPs, shoppers are the first ones screwed. It is difficult, without disclosure by the MSPs, to know if their behaviors of excessive rejection of shops and declaring paperwork has not been received are disingenuous means of passing along 'responsibility' for not getting paid to shoppers.
I have been not paid by one MSP this year which continued posting jobs and having shoppers perform shops up until the day they laid off their staff and closed their doors. I would rather err on the side of caution and not give "free" jobs to MSPs who do not have the ability to fulfill their side of the contract with payment.