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CRINY, is that the company up in Kinderhook, NY?
Yeah, you are So right! Wow.. Some of their dispatchers can be so rude it is incredible!
Never mind warning people about not taking insurance shops.. warn them about taking a shop in the winter season, if your area is in a place where they get SNOWSTORMS! They will literally put your very life in danger, by insisting you stay at a place and FINISH the shop, even though you may well end up having to drive thru a bad SNOWSTORM up a bad windy mountain road!!
If you do not do the job, or you cannot complete the shop, or check, then they will not only NOT pay you, after you worked for the entire day, and paid out a bunch of your OWN money to do the check, but they will kick you out of their system, rendering you unable to work for them again EVER!
Even if you have worked for them for years.
CRINY, is NOT a good place to work, if you get the wrong dispatcher, that is for sure!
You know.. now i really see why is it so hard for some of these companies to keep shoppers, if they are being mistreated. That makes so much sense..
Course you do not know.. unless someone is BRAVE enough on this forum and come out and say so.. And YES, I WILL say BRAVE cuz dee shops herself was bashing me on one of MY threads I started for complaining about CRI also!
dee shops Wrote:
> sneakers Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Susan, that works in theory, and mostly in
> areas
> > that are not overshopped. My area is so
> carpeted
> > with shoppers that most of my schedulers have
> no
> > trouble giving away shops. When they post
> urgent
> > bonused shops near month's end, the shops are
> > still grabbed as soon as the email goes out.
> Again
> > and again I've applied for these, and someone
> has
> > grabbed them. Alternatively, other urgent
> shops
> > are hundreds of miles from here, and I wouldn't
> go
> > that far in traffic, over bridges and through
> toll
> > booths for any money.
> >
> > Your idea does work in areas that are short of
> > shoppers and more sparsely populated. Flash,
> dee
> > and Sandra Sue do pretty well with this.
> >
> > After almost exactly one year of shopping, and
> > many hundreds of good reports for about 39
> > companies, I have a relationship with exactly 3
> > schedulers in 2 companies..
> For me, I think there are just fewer shoppers
> here, rather than a sparse population. Honolulu
> is quite dense with peeps! :-) But, I think less
> shoppers are here for a number of reasons. The
> affluent here are REALLY so, and there are way
> funner ways to amuse yourself on this island if
> money is no object. The regular people, like me,
> work more than one job just to make ends meet. I
> think many people who could do this just don't
> have time. Third, the schools in HI are not very
> stellar-the writing skills of the average person
> are not so great (I see this in many of my
> students coming out of public schools here.)
> Therefore, I think sometimes I get more shops
> based on the fact that my reports may not need as
> much editing as some other peoples. The fact that
> I virtually never cancel, and rarely reschedule
> without a huge reason, has helped me to gain
> credibility with some firms. Sometimes I just get
> lucky, too, and someone posts something I have
> been going after with zero suceess for months as a
> LM shop due to a cancellation, many times as a
> self assign. I always try to do a superfab job on
> those so that I will have more oppties with those
> firms. Finally, This is a VERY parochial place,
> and I think that has worked in my favor with some
> firms. :-)
> I feel really lucky to live in an area with fewer
> shoppers than some others. It HAS been a huge
> help in getting jobs.
Well, dee shops. now i understand why you are going on people;s thread and start picking on them, like you did to me, for asking for where one can find jobs!
You got LOTS Of places you can work! That is not true of everywhere in the mainland however.
I lived in Hawaii for a long time. Not everyone is STUPID and cannot write well like you claim.. Isn;t Punahou school there. that is a private school and well thought of...