Most credit cards these days offer a rewards program that may either be cash back or 'points'. These range from 1%-3% and vary with the store used. So, for example, I get 1% with my Amex from Walmart and 2% for places that don't discount. I get 3% on my Visa from for purchases at and 2% for purchases elsewhere, but that is points only that can only be used for future purchases at
I have noted on recent bank shops that virtually every bank I have done a platform shop with is offering their own debit card that pulls money out of your checking account directly. Many of these are paying 1% or 2% but mostly they are paying in points good for merchandise, travel, rentals etc. And of course the 'price' in points of their merchandise makes the merchandise very expensive. If I need a new Mr. Coffee, I will go buy one at Walmart for under $20 rather than use 'points worth $45' at the bank to get an unknown brand.
My preference with all of these guys is cash back and my understanding is that it is cash back that you get from Paypal. Unlike the prepaid gift cards where the balance declines if you don't use them, your Paypal debit card if I understand correctly is just allowing you to access the cash in your Paypal account without the need to transfer it first to your bank (free) or have them send you a check (for a fee).