Yay - the money's starting to roll in!

I restarted MSing in April.
So far, I've received payment from:
LANLA - 6-07 EFT
M/FORCE - 6-12 EFT

$452 still to come for April/May shops yawning smiley)

Do most companies pay within 30 days for previous month?
Are there any major ones that take longer?
It would take days for me to go through every msc FAQ, so thanks!

" I think there's a nap for that."

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There are a few that pay the following month, with some paying within 6 weeks, two months and three months, it's easy to check on their site when you will be paid. I usually say the money is "trickling" in, not "rolling in", but sounds like you hit the few that roll.

Live consciously....

You're right, Irene.

At this point, it's not even trickling in.

I thought the floodgates would open wide on the 15th...


" I think there's a nap for that."
SpyGirl719 Wrote:
> LOL!
> You're right, Irene.
> At this point, it's not even trickling in.
> I thought the floodgates would open wide on the
> 15th...
> nope...nada....nothin'

If you want to know you gotta check their FAQs I just wait for the suprise
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