DSG Associates

I did a search but didn't see anything on this company. I just finished up a shop for them; my name was given to them from a referral source and they contacted me to do two in my area. I found them easy to work with, the form itself is a little odd but OK overall, the schedulers were responsive...does anyone else have any experience with this company? Now if the payment is prompt, I'll be looking forward to doing more with them!

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I've had only good experiences with DSG.

After doing the first high-end shop, I realized I missed one piece. I spoke with my scheduler, Tiffany, and she came up with an excellent solution that would allow me to submit a complete shop. Even though it was clearly my fault, Tiffany made sure I was paid in full, including bonus.

I was paid a week earlier than expected.

Go ahead, ask me to violate an ICA. I won't do it, and the MSCs that read the board will know not to hire you, since you can't be trusted.
They called me on my first shop to go over the guideline - a nice guy and I was paid timely.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
I have shopped with them for quite awhile and have had no problems with them. The one thing is they don't have very much where I live anymore except for donuts and pizza. I'm losing weight and don't really need either! sad smiley

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."
Thanks for the replies! I like it when I stumble across new companies that turn out to be "keepers"!
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