If you are using the list at the top of the Mystery Shopping Company Discussion section of the forum, please note the date of that post. Rather than revise it, a new list was created that is located at the bottom of each page as the "Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies". That list should be current.
There are companies that have gone belly up or just faded away over the past couple of years. Acra, for example, quietly threw in the towel. They were really nice guys to work with. CheckMark is gone. Datatron closed its doors owing shoppers (including me) money. JC&Associates was bought by another company. Pacific Research is gone and it looks as though Pinkerton is as well. Those are just the ones that a quick glance I picked up as gone. I'm sure there are others.
The new list at the bottom of each forum page is much more likely to be current and live sites.