MS company websites on the master list not active - is there a different way to search?

I am a devoted member to this forum and have gained invaluable knowledge and advice. Please, by no means should my question be considered as any form of a complaint as I cannot imagine the time it took to compile the master list of MS companies. So, here is the question...I have gone company by company on the list and have often found that many of the websites are not active or go to the "if you would like to own this website, click here" scenario. I have googled some of the companies and was still not able to find any concrete information or website link. My June schedule is completely blank and I am devoting all of my working hours for the next few days to registering with new companies. Any advice, suggestions on how to sign up with the companies listed on the forum, or ways to find new companies that may not be listed?

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If you are using the list at the top of the Mystery Shopping Company Discussion section of the forum, please note the date of that post. Rather than revise it, a new list was created that is located at the bottom of each page as the "Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies". That list should be current.

There are companies that have gone belly up or just faded away over the past couple of years. Acra, for example, quietly threw in the towel. They were really nice guys to work with. CheckMark is gone. Datatron closed its doors owing shoppers (including me) money. JC&Associates was bought by another company. Pacific Research is gone and it looks as though Pinkerton is as well. Those are just the ones that a quick glance I picked up as gone. I'm sure there are others.

The new list at the bottom of each forum page is much more likely to be current and live sites.
Thank you! I have been using the list at the top. Now I am crystal clear. Hopefully I will find new shops with new companies in my area. If not, I will start entertaining foolish ideas like, "I think I would like to repaint my kitchen and put up a tile backsplash while I am at it." Those ideas never work out well so I better find some shops to put on the schedule!!!
You can do worse than repainting your kitchen! During a shop burnout spell I redid mine. Took a bright set of nesting melamine kitchen bowls and had HD match the paints in high gloss enamel paints. I now have melamine yellow walls with melamine orange cabinet frames and melamine green cabinet doors. I found some really cool blue tiles and built backsplashes behind every counter. LOVE my kitchen, though for someone else it likely would be a loud nightmare. Using a bowl set for the colors, I could take advantage of the shades and hues of someone with a better eye for color than I have.
Flash, I wish you had not just given me ideas for a new color scheme!!! smiling smiley I am pretty bold with color so sitting in my "paid too much for the decorator" decor kitchen is getting pretty bland and looking like it needs a little change. I better get back on that official list of MS companies for sure now! smiling smiley
If you ever decide to play, Crate & Barrel has some gorgeous colors in bowl sets. Last fall I spotted some autumn colors and wondered if it was time to 'tone down' my summery loud to slightly more sedate. Decided, nawwww, I like my brights.
Me too! I need bright summer colors to wake me up and coax me into a good mood. I think I overshot my theory when I went to get a calming sky blue color....turned out to be a bright "blue wave about to crash down on you" color, but nonetheless, I love it. I also had a guest bedroom recently painted in a color called "soothing sage". They should have called it Electric GREEN. No wonder no one has wanted to stay the night. Hmmm...I think I will keep it a little longer. smiling smiley
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