SASSY shop system reports

I do have a problem submitting reports in this system. I lose information when I save (as advised after 30 minutes) and try to return. It loses critical information when I do this and requires reinput. Anyone else have this problem or better yet, answers and secrets to help?

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I have had this happen to me many times. After nearly throwing my computer into the trash from aggravation, I started typing all narratives longer than a sentence or two, in MS Word then copying it into the shop form. It sounds tedious, but it has been a lifesaver more than once! First, your info is saved even if your Internet service randomly goes down or the page won't upload. Second, it eliminates the need to do the spell/grammar check which can take forever on some sites. I hope that helps! It is BEYOND aggravating to retype lengthy narratives and I do all I can to make sure I don't ever have to do it again.
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