Shop2LiveinFL Wrote:
> I did not see the previous rant. Not sure if it
> was deleted or not. But LisaSTL can attest that I
> am still being a little chicken sh*t when it come
> to video shopping. I have no idea what I am doing
> when it comes to video, I signed up for Carrie's
> video workshop in Orlando earlier this year but it
> was cancelled and my money was refunded. I ended
> up not being able to go to the CHI conference but
> I was told that the video workshop was cancelled
> there also.
> Since I am a visual person, I tend to learn better
> in person and getting hands-on as opposed to
> watching an online video or reading a 100+ page
> manual translated from Japanese.
> I also got nervous when I read posts on another
> thread about shoppers having to video themselves
> while using the restroom. I was reassured that
> the editors edit out the "sound affects" but I
> have come to realize that I am not as liberal as I
> thought I was.
> Ok, I am done with my rant. I am killing time
> until my allowable time frame for today's shops
> become available. :-)
You have nothing to worry about or be afraid of!! You should do it. What is the worse thing that could happen? You or your equipment screws up the shop and you don't get paid. What's the best thing that could happen? You get paid a much higher fee than most any regular shop and USUALLY, the reports are next to nothing. There is not much work to do once you get home other than uploading the video. I am just like you - Instruction manuals are often like gibberish to me. I had to chase my husband, kids, and dog around the house for a couple of days with the camera attached to me just to practice with it and to figure out how to upload the files. I did it great while filming my practice shoots, however, ruined 1 shop for incorrect camera aim and immediately afterwards, ruined another shop because I uploaded it incorrectly. Those were frustrating experiences, but I have done 4 shops since then and all of them have been spot on perfect.
Before you buy anything, do 2-3 shops with a company that will send the equipment to you. They may reduce the fee by $10 or so, but the net pay will still be higher than most other shops.
I think the industry is leaning towards these and audio recorded shops and paying shoppers more for them. If I can do it, trust me, you can do it!