Car Rental Shops

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They used to be shopped but I haven't seen them in a few years. Even then they were not 'useful shops' if you were hoping for a reimbursed rental. Generally you stood in line, got your paperwork processed, drove the car around the block and returned it, then went home and reported it. They weren't too interesting here because they were all rentals at the airport and the cost of airport parking ate up most of your fee. If you were lucky enough to snag an airport parking shop, several before security shops and the car rental, then you could make the whole thing feasible.
I am doing a phone car rental for a nice's a AARP phone center.

Live consciously....
Business Evaluation Services was doing a small car rental chain in California.

Feedbackplus has a testimonial from one of the top major car rental chains on it's website, but it appears it is dated and they are no longer shopped..
Arch Stanton Wrote:
> Business Evaluation Services was doing a small car
> rental chain in California.
> Feedbackplus has a testimonial from one of the top
> major car rental chains on it's website, but it
> appears it is dated and they are no longer
> shopped..

I just went into BES website and it is now shown as iSecretShop. There was nothing for car rentals on the job board.

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