Ready to cry over CRI

So, just in case nobody experienced that extra server "down time" over the weekend/Monday morning, CRI is now having a new issue... they're system is dropping assigned shops. I assigned myself 9 shops yesterday afternoon and went out for my route. When I returned home, uploaded my receipts and such, and began to fill out reports, I was shocked that there were NO assignments in my "JOBS".

I decided not to panic, just search for the jobs again, reassign them, and hope that at 9am I could get someone to change the date for me. BY this time it was 4 am and I decided to hit the hay. I woke up at 9:15am only to find that once again, the jobs were missing from my assignments! I quickly began searching for them again, but this time only 6 of the 9 were still available. I immediately got someone on live chat. Her first reaction was "bare with me, you are not the only auditor experiencing this issue today". She was able to assign the 6 to me with a date change, but the other 3 (2 Lowes and a Lazy Boy), well, I was just SOL on those.

So my "awesome" day yesterday turned out to be a loser. I actually lost money on it because those 3 shops that I can no longer submit reports for were over $25 a piece in commission, not to mention that I'm out $2.38 from Lowes that I otherwise would not have spent.

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What were the new dates on those 3? You need to call them ASAP. Unless the "new" shopper assigned them for today and is unreachable then those jobs should have been pulled and assigned back to you. The have done things like that before so it's not setting a new precedent or anything.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I got someone on live chat IMMEDIATELY and she said "I apologize, but there is nothing I can do because those shops have already been assigned to other auditors."

I understand that things happen, but if I'm not the only auditor experiencing this problem, and I have assigned and completed 376 shops for them without ever encountering a problem like this before, wouldn't you think it might just be a server issue and not an auditor issue???
That's absurd. So what if they were already assigned?? They should have been cancelled and transferred back to you.
I feel for you...due to the server down time I completed two shops that they wouldn't accept. I also told them why should I be SOL if it was your system that was malfunctioning. It sounds like you lost out on quite a bit of money, though. I only lost about $25. Isn't it just so frustrating, though? Just a big waste of your time and money, and it wasn't your fault.

Everyone has bad days - tomorrow will be better winking smiley
Thanks Snuffy.

I've had plenty of bad days and some are so bad that I just don't want to do it anymore, but I find myself right back on the boards the next day.

Needless to say, I will probably be taking a little hiatus from CRI for a bit. But when they call me crying because no one wants to pick up some Mobil audits in Butt &%#!, Wisconsin, I will probably do it because the bonus they offer me will out weigh the amount of upset that I endured from today. And they always pay, on time, and frequently.

Please delete the client names from your posts, MommaMia. Replace with things like 'gas station', 'home improvement' etc. It is a violation of your ICA to reveal clients of companies and also against the Posting Guidelines of this board. You can fix your posts with the blue "Edit" button in the lower right hand corner of each.
Write what you lost off on your taxes next year. I always right everything off as a loss when I've lost money or even the shop because the MSC wouldn't accept it.

MommaMiaShops Wrote:
> So, just in case nobody experienced that extra
> server "down time" over the weekend/Monday
> morning, CRI is now having a new issue... they're
> system is dropping assigned shops. I assigned
> myself 9 shops yesterday afternoon and went out
> for my route. When I returned home, uploaded my
> receipts and such, and began to fill out reports,
> I was shocked that there were NO assignments in my
> "JOBS".
> I decided not to panic, just search for the jobs
> again, reassign them, and hope that at 9am I could
> get someone to change the date for me. BY this
> time it was 4 am and I decided to hit the hay. I
> woke up at 9:15am only to find that once again,
> the jobs were missing from my assignments! I
> quickly began searching for them again, but this
> time only 6 of the 9 were still available. I
> immediately got someone on live chat. Her first
> reaction was "bare with me, you are not the only
> auditor experiencing this issue today". She was
> able to assign the 6 to me with a date change, but
> the other 3 (2 Lowes and a Lazy Boy), well, I was
> just SOL on those.
> So my "awesome" day yesterday turned out to be a
> loser. I actually lost money on it because those 3
> shops that I can no longer submit reports for were
> over $25 a piece in commission, not to mention
> that I'm out $2.38 from Lowes that I otherwise
> would not have spent.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."
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