Hellbent Wrote:
> I've decided not to let other shoppers know who I
> work for any longer. After five years of giving
> hints and letting other shoppers know what company
> does what shops I have closed the information
> booth.It's not anyone in this forum that has made
> me make this decision.It's taken five years of
> hard work to finally get to the point where it's
> important to keep things close to my chest,(and
> wallet).Their are a few companies that I work for
> that are never mentioned in the forums and I like
> it that way. Reading other forums I have noticed
> that a lot of newbies are so lazy and expecting
> handouts that they don't even bother reading the
> forum threads to find information that is readily
> available.And don't get me started on their
> spelling.I understand now why a lot of MSC are
> folding or being gobbled up by more structured
> companies. I envision a future of shop forms that
> have nothing but yes/no or multiple choice
> questions, so that the uneducated can do our jobs
> at half of what is being paid now.
> I was just thinking some would consider this post
> a rant,but in all honesty, it's all just reality.
I was kind of surprised to see this in this forum, Hellbent. I felt like I was back at V. I understand where you are coming from, especially with some of those posts you have mentioned - some drive me nuts, too. But, publicly stating that you aren't going to share, when you will be reading what others do share makes the equation unequal. It might also limit what those who did want to share will now share with others. I see that as an unfortunate side effect of saying something like this here. :-(
“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton