Hey folks,
I'd be happy to clarify for you. First, the sensitive or personal information provided is exclusivley acquired and maintained by our issuing bank partner, University National Bank in Minnesota. They are as tightly and federally regulated as any finincial institution in the U.S. PayQuicker neither maintains that information or ever handles the monies transacted through our interface ... ever. Our policies and procedures mirror those of our federally regulated banking partners. PayQuicker adheres to a strict policy of account holder confidentialty and does not share account holder information with anyone, unless specifically requested to do so by that account holder.
Yes, an ID Verification is conducted on every account holder as a fraud prevention measure and for the protection of you, us and everyone using PayQuicker. We use the same verification (NOT to be confused with a credit check which indeed we do not do) methods (OFAC & KYC) that all US financial institutions use and we incur the cost to do so (ID Verifications are not free to conduct).
Also, for the sake of perfect clarity, neither PayQuicker nor our banking partner(s) share any protected or confidential account holder information with any other PayQuicker account account (of which ACE is) or any other party.
I hope that's informative and I appreciate any opportunity to clarify speculation on any aspect of PayQuicker's features, functionality amd/or policies.