Advise on dealing with Five Guys - Schedulers, Weirdness, and Pay

So I'm getting these calls pretty regular asking me to do a Five Guys. Problem is two fold. And just for the record, even with calorie counting, I gained a SOLID 10 pounds (from 150lb) after only two dozen or so shops in the beginning, despite the website saying the meals are ~1200 calories with fries I suspect they are double that somehow. So I tell schedulers to **** off unless they can pay me more because I drink water from the tap and throw away half of my fries and burger just to maintain my weight. Can I get an Amen about this one or am I crazy?

Problems I'm dealing with: 1) I've asked them numerous times to add a note to my internal shopper notes (not something we see as shoppers) saying "does not do shops for under $15" and they don't respect that. 2) They only call for me shops they are desperate for within 3 miles of my house (or less it seems). I would be happy to do shops further out for even more pay. Again they aren't writing this request down 3) I can't get the schedulers to talk with me around the corporate veil, and just text me their needs + bonus instead of calling with ambiguous voicemail about bonuses. Some of them even make me redo the shopper certification verbally which takes forever. 4) Every day it seems a new victim is a ***MSC unnamed****REP hence an infinite number of cell phones / unknown numbers.

I've also heard of great scheduler (handler) and shopper relations where a difficult shop is regularly handed to them at a great rate (well over 20-30). It seems when I ask for shops over even $15 they bawk at me. IF they say they have to run it through *the hierarchy* for approval and call me back in 20 minutes, they always will approve it.

Weird company.

Any advice on getting better rates or solidifying scheduler relationships? Whats the most you have reliably been able to talk up a Five Guys shop?

Respondents beware, even though we all know who this is, Five Guys is named so do not name the MSC in this thread! Its really easy to screw up - I did it twice but luckily searched my text for the name of the MSC before submitting.

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If anyone gets my reference to the 1995-2001 TV show where *The Hierarchy* is referenced major major points to you. Burgers on me.

Basically these people have to run their every wish, thought, project, and request through a centralized computer which represents the vastness and decision making of a gigantic government. I.E., you feel small and there's this bizarre system behind everything controlling what is possible for you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/05/2012 11:06PM by marmani.
Back before I was eliminated from the shops for that client the bonuses were very simple. They call, I might be able to help them [sigh], just when do they need it done? [sigh] The answer is always today or tomorrow and, [sigh] what is it paying? [pregnant pause and perhaps a comment to my significant other who may or may not be even in the house, "Do you want to do another 5G? They need the one over at _____."] Now back to the phone call, "If you can make it $X we can do it for you." I never had a problem with doubled or tripled fee, depending on whether it was the closer ones or the further ones.

One thing I learned was that you never tell them you don't like a particular shop or it is taken off your possible shops entirely. I made the mistake of mentioning that I really shouldn't be eating the golden arches and really didn't like the food much anyway when I was trying to negotiate a bigger bonus. Lickety split I saw no more golden arches at all. But my comment was true and I don't miss them.
Oh, and as for Five Guys - that's one of the few shops I'll do for that MSC without a bonus. But when I'm on the phone with a scheduler and they low-ball me on the bonus for a McD's shop, I emphasize how busy I am, or how far the location is from my home. Then I give them a somewhat-too-high number, to which they'll typically respond with their best offer.
I have often wondered why they bonus the golden arches heavily and only bonus 5G to $2 more. I can't stand 5G. Ive only taken two of their shops. At least I can get a grilled chicken wrap at the golden arches.
The Five Guys shops are surely in higher demand due to both the fewer number of shops available, and the higher quality food. There's a significant difference in taste between never-frozen ground beef and the frozen hockey pucks that McD's fries up.
As well as a real potato cut to make fries instead of rehydrated flakes squirted through an extruder and then frozen to send out to the store for a quick pass through the grease.
I don't "talk up" jobs for 5 Guys. I willingly and gladly take them all for no bonus.smiling smiley
marmani Wrote:
> So I'm getting these calls pretty regular asking
> me to do a Five Guys.

Watch out and don't wear out your welcome. They call and you do them a favor, yet you can still get thrown out on your rear for over-shopping.
> Problems I'm dealing with: 1) I've asked them
> numerous times to add a note to my internal
> shopper notes (not something we see as shoppers)
> saying "does not do shops for under $15" and they
> don't respect that.

I don't know that their site, internal or not, has the capability of recording these types of requirements in any meaningful, memorable way.

2) They only call for me
> shops they are desperate for within 3 miles of my
> house (or less it seems). I would be happy to do
> shops further out for even more pay.


Again they
> aren't writing this request down 3) I can't get
> the schedulers to talk with me around the
> corporate veil, and just text me their needs +
> bonus instead of calling with ambiguous voicemail
> about bonuses. Some of them even make me redo the
> shopper certification verbally which takes
> forever.

I haven't had to verbally certify. Ugh.

4) Every day it seems a new victim is a
> ***MSC unnamed****REP hence an infinite number of
> cell phones / unknown numbers.

I always save phone numbers and then ID them into my cell. Lots of schedulers and editors work from home.
> I've also heard of great scheduler (handler) and
> shopper relations where a difficult shop is
> regularly handed to them at a great rate (well
> over 20-30). It seems when I ask for shops over
> even $15 they bawk at me. IF they say they have
> to run it through *the hierarchy* for approval and
> call me back in 20 minutes, they always will
> approve it.

The scheduler has authority to grant requests up to $$ amount, which of course is not a published number. If I'm interested and able, I factor timing and mileage, and ask for something reasonable. I haven't been turned down yet.

>Weird company.

Can't disagree. They have unstated rules, subject to change as they need.
> Any advice on getting better rates or solidifying
> scheduler relationships? Whats the most you have
> reliably been able to talk up a Five Guys shop?

Don't be greedy with number of shops, or requested bonuses. When the MSP is truly needy, they will make a generous offer.

That being said, be prepared to get the boot at any time.
Hmmm...this is an interesting discussion. I have several 5G in my area and have never been called by a scheduler to pick up one. I do these shops regularly and love,love them. I think if you are concerned these shops are making you gain wait...then DON'T DO THEM!!! It's pretty simple!
I've been offered a bonus on this shop twice. The first time it was $10.00, the second time was $3.00.
They go quick in my area. I have only done one with a bonus, it was when another shopper cancelled and they gave me a $2 bonus. I too will gladly do these for the non-bonused amount.
Regarding the health component of these shops; I don't think it's even debatable that a steady diet of food served from this establishment would not be a healthy diet.

I have my own burger favorite (In & Out), but limit myself to 6 shops per year for them. The idea of destroying your health for a few $$ does not make sense. It will cost you more money in the long run.
Since being fired by this MSC in Nov. of 2010, and this is to date, I've lost 22 lbs. and a total of 41 points off my blood pressure. I was so pleased with the results, I dropped all other eating assignments, except for 1 monthly visit to Graeter's ice cream parlor. Steve was concise and logical in his comment.
Mantis Wrote:
> Star Trek Voyager. I just watched that episode a
> couple of nights ago. =)

1000 hierarchy points to you mr. goblin
: )
shopperbob Wrote:
> Since being fired by this MSC in Nov. of 2010, and
> this is to date, I've lost 22 lbs. and a total of
> 41 points off my blood pressure. I was so pleased
> with the results, I dropped all other eating
> assignments, except for 1 monthly visit to
> Graeter's ice cream parlor. Steve was concise and
> logical in his comment.

ahhhhhhhahahha. No doubt.
But really its the fries I found that were the killer. 600 calories for a small, 1500 for a large. Only get the burgers and start loosing weight
I took 5G as much as I can, and also the bonused ones. Unfortunately, they blocked me from doing any more. Not sure if my reports were too nice, or I've done too many. I usually throw out 75% of the fries and eat just the patties and veggies, no bun. I have not gained any weight from doing them. Love, love, love their food. I still do their other ff, cafe, chinese chain and some other. I have managed to lose weight from ms'ing, even though I do a lot of food - FF and FD because I only eat one meal a day. If its a ff meal, so be it. I would have something light, like Campbell if I was still hungry before bedtime.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
gigishopper Wrote:
> I have often wondered why they bonus the golden
> arches heavily and only bonus 5G to $2 more. I
> can't stand 5G. Ive only taken two of their shops.
> At least I can get a grilled chicken wrap at the
> golden arches.

I just did a 5G shop for $25 and was offered another one in the same area for $25 as well, but it had to be done in the afternoon and I was only available in the morning.
Hi Cubbiecat!

Interesting post! I have wondered for the past few months why I haven't seen any 5 guys shops...I was a regular! Now, I figure I must be blocked too? Hmmm..maybe I'll email the MSC.

cubbiecat Wrote:
> I took 5G as much as I can, and also the bonused
> ones. Unfortunately, they blocked me from doing
> any more. Not sure if my reports were too nice, or
> I've done too many. I usually throw out 75% of the
> fries and eat just the patties and veggies, no
> bun. I have not gained any weight from doing them.
> Love, love, love their food. I still do their
> other ff, cafe, chinese chain and some other. I
> have managed to lose weight from ms'ing, even
> though I do a lot of food - FF and FD because I
> only eat one meal a day. If its a ff meal, so be
> it. I would have something light, like Campbell if
> I was still hungry before bedtime.
I've never heard of this business but there are three near me, including an area I visit often. Go figure. Now I'm curious to try them. From online, they seem like they might be like Cheeburger Cheeburger.

Be careful about telling any scheduler to **** off unless you don't care if you EVER work for that company again and possibly other companies. Schedulers can and will DNU people for being rude, obnoxious, unprofessional, and/or inappropriate. They will also share names. The thought being if the shopper is that rude over an email or phone call, could they be objective if an issue arises on a shop? They absolutely do not want problem shoppers.

As for noting your account that you don't do shops under $15 and are willing to travel, they probably do have a place to note it but it's not easily seen by the schedulers when looking for shoppers. No company I've edited for has that information in front of them when calling around. They have to go into the shopper's profile and since things like that aren't common place, it's probably not worth the effort to do that.

As far as texts, that'd be nice but if they can't mass text, that's a TON of extra time for schedulers. As I always say...just another reason I'd never be a scheduler! LOL
I know the MSC can't ne mentioned. Is it against the rules for someone to private message me the info?
I always enjoyed doing Sonic & Five Guys - many times they would add $7. bonus to Five Guys but all of a sudden those shops vanished off my dashboard and they don't call me to do them anymore either. I was taken off of Sonic previously because there was no receipt for a shop even though I asked for the receipt two additional times. I don't see that as being my fault.

I made the mistake of telling them I wasn't going to any shops for less than $10. so now I don't see any $10. shops with bonuses that are now $15. or $20. except for MacDonalds at the airport - they always offer $30. for those because nobody wants to do them.

They took Churches Chicken, Panda Express & I-Hop off my list but left Popeye's on to get those terrible wings - its $4. and they left Ben & Jerrys on my list also $4. Makes no sense.

Couple days ago they called me to go do a Sears audit and paid $55. - first time this year they have called. When I went to d/l the paperwork I saw a Panda Express visit and took it.

I can't figure out what their story is.
I like the 5 Guys shops. I especailly like the fact that they are well shopped. I feel like I can get a decent burger that is prepared properly. As to weight gain, adjust with either more exercise or back off on something else. To do this shop right, you must enjoy the food and the way it is prepared.
Calories vs pay. Interestiung thread. They opened a 5 guys near me so I would be ineteerested in who the SMC is that shops them. If somebody can message me the name of the MSC I would appreciate it.
I'm finding that I'm getting calls for shops, negociate the fee, and check my paperwork later only to find out the fee is less than agreed upon. As you can guess, it's never in my favor.

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
This is funny. Two times now they have put too much extra on my CPI. I e-mailed them and had it corrected before I did the shops.

RobinMarie Wrote:
> I'm finding that I'm getting calls for shops,
> negociate the fee, and check my paperwork later
> only to find out the fee is less than agreed upon.
> As you can guess, it's never in my favor.
I wonder how the other schedulers feel about Samantha calling herself the most resourceful?
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