risinghorizon Wrote:
> This is the very same shop. I just did it last
> week. As I cannot mention the name, you will know
> it is the very same treat or lunch or dinner shop.
> The test was not that hard but time-consuming. I
> will not be wasting my time on shops that are more
> into reimbursements than fee. So I guess CORI is
> a gonner for me as far as than particular shop is
> concerned. Thanks for the explanation.
Yeah...that treat or dinner shop changed something in the training...I didn't even look to tell you the truth, I just tested and go over it.
If you wait a bit, toward the end of the month or toward the due date for that shop you can get them for $20 + I do. I take them when on route for lunches or dinners. I wouldn't take for the starting offer because I value my 15 minutes of report writing/pic upload more than that.