Actually most assignments are vague enough to qualify as IC work. At one time I had 12 employees and 5 ICs doing technical electronics, and got pretty familiar wit the rules.
I could tell an IC "this job needs to be done by Tuesday" and be ok - telling him I wanted the job worked between 10 AM and noon Tuesday would be deemed control of timing and cast doubt on the IC relationship. The other very key factor in this is that the shopper is in total control of when the work is done - shopper selects the job, has freedom not to select it, and this controls the times when s/he works.
I had 2 ICs working on location at a department store for which I provided service. I could tell them I wanted them in business casual at a minimum - but I could not dicate the complete outfit style and color.
We used a specific workorder when billing and that was not an issue since I provided the blanks. However I could not tell ICs in what order to populate fields on the screen to produce work orders, and could not tell them when during the repair process to initiate the work order - my employees were made to generate a work order at the intial point of contact with a customer, the ICs tended to want to do them at completion.
All these discussions of what an IC actually is and does are fun, but the ultimate decision at least in NY rests with the Unemployment Insurance determinantion board, and to a lesser extent, the Worker's Comp Board and the relevant insurance carrier.
shoppinalong Wrote:
> Their own words defeat their purpose.
> >>>>an individual is an independent contractor if
> the payer has the right to control or direct only
> the result of the work and not what will be done
> and how it will be done.<<<<<
> We ARE told what, how ,when. how to dress,what
> questios to ask, given scenarios, guidelines, and
> reports which are pre-made and pre-printed which
> may be rejected
> if not inclusive of how you are told to do the
> shop, when you are told to complete the shop, what
> scenario you are told to present, and what to
> ask.
> An Independent Contractor would make their own
> report in their own words and be told simply " go
> to store ABC and find out what they are doing with
> our product".
> We are not indendent contractors. You can call a
> raccoon a bear, but it's still a raccoon.