As I suspected, it has to do with the gov't and coming state and federal regulations and them going the length to make sure they can't classify IC's and employees. Here is what they say(The part of Congress trying repeal section 530 of a law in effect since 1978 is what has them concerned):
"The Truth about EIN and Independent Contractor Status
Some simple truths:
MSI Services may be one of the first companies in this industry to make these changes, but we will not be the last. The Mystery Shopping/Market Research Industries will be taking more action to protect the status of Independent Contractors over the coming months/years. Changes like requiring EINs will become more of a standard in the industry and will serve to protect not only the Mystery Shopping companies, but ICs as well, from being classified as employees.
MSI Services has already begun massive updates to the language we use with Independent Field Agents. You may have already noticed a number of updates on the website and in our Project Description materials going into effect. These changes are all to help us stay in compliance with government expectations regarding how independent contractors go about performing work.
The reality is that when working in the U.S., you must pay taxes on all earned income. Obtaining an EIN does not change whether or not you need to pay taxes.
TrendSource is required to send 1099 forms for all ICs who make over $600 per year in Project Payments and PAD (this does not include reimbursements for required purchases). Whether you receive a 1099 from TrendSource or not, you should still evaluate your tax situation based on the income you make across all companies you work as an IC for and report income accordingly.
The only difference in filing taxes with an EIN vs. no EIN is that you will need to provide your EIN on your Income Tax Return – Schedule C.
We highly suggest that if you have concerns or questions about your personal tax situation that you speak to a tax professional directly.
In the sections below we have provided some brief overview information about why the EIN requirement came about and what you need to know to be informed on Independent Contractor status in the United States. Additionally, there are links to helpful websites and resources you can use to research this more on your own. Remember, these changes affect us all!
Independent Contractors versus Employees
According to the IRS website, the following definition is applied to Independent Contractors in the U.S;
The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done. The earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment Tax.
Common Law Rules
Facts that provide evidence of the degree of control and independence fall into three categories:
Behavioral: Does the company control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does his or her job?
Financial: Are the business aspects of the worker’s job controlled by the payer? (these include things like how worker is paid, whether expenses are reimbursed, such as computer equipment, gas, vehicles, etc., and who provides tools/supplies, etc.)
Type of Relationship: Are there written contracts or employee type benefits (i.e. pension plan, insurance, vacation pay, etc.)? Will the relationship continue and is the work performed a key aspect of the business?
Independent Field Agents with MSI Services are considered Independent Contractors because you control what work you perform and how it is performed. The result of the work performed needs to meet Client objectives and requirements, but there are no rules surrounding how an Independent Field Agent goes about meeting these objectives.
When performing projects for TrendSource Clients, Independent Field Agents are provided with Project Description materials, which outline the Client objectives and requirements, such as Purchase Requirements, Day and Time Restrictions of the project, deadlines for reporting completed projects and explanations of what data is expected to be collected while performing the project. Outside of the client objectives explained in these Project Description materials, Independent Field Agents are free to choose when and how to complete projects, or even if they want to complete said project.
Sole Proprietorship and EIN
As an independent contractor, you are viewed as a sole proprietor. A sole proprietorship is a one-person business that is not registered as a corporation or LLC. As a sole proprietor you are responsible for maintaining your business by complying with local requirements, which may include obtaining a business license (check with your local county office). Although some counties may require all businesses to obtain a license, most will not actually expect a license to be filed when you work as an independent contractor in your own home. Again, it is advised that you check with your local county office to confirm whether a business license is required for your sole proprietorship.
The most important responsibility you have as a sole proprietor is paying income taxes. Since you are not an employee, companies you perform work for will not withhold tax from your payments; therefore you are responsible for ensuring your income taxes are filed and paid each year.
The following information comes from, where “Paying Taxes on Business Income” is explained;
Paying Taxes on Business Income
In the eyes of the law, a sole proprietorship is not legally separate from the person who owns it. The fact that a sole proprietorship and its owner are one and the same means that a sole proprietor simply reports all business income or losses on his or her individual income tax return -- IRS Form 1040, with Schedule C attached.
As a sole proprietor, you'll have to take responsibility for withholding and paying all income taxes -- something an employer would normally do for you. This means you'll have to pay a "self-employment" tax, which consists of contributions to Social Security and Medicare, and pay estimated taxes throughout the year.
(Mancuso, Anthony; “Paying Taxes on Business Income”; Sole Proprietorship Basics; Nolo; 2012; [])
Although a sole proprietor is not required by the IRS to obtain an EIN (Employment Identification Number), it is still wise for sole proprietors to use one for number of reasons.
For the purpose of MSI Services and TrendSource, requiring our Independent Field Agents to obtain an EIN protects both us and you from having independent contractors be misclassified as an employee. With an EIN set-up for your sole proprietorship, you are viewed as working for yourself and there is little room for misunderstanding with the IRS regarding classification.
(Mancuso, Anthony; Does a Sole Proprietor Need an Employment Identification Number?; Nolo; 2012; [])
Repeal on Section 530 and how it affects the Mystery Shopping Industry
What is Section 530 and what is the Repeal on it?
According to the website for the “Coalition to Preserve Independent Contractor Status” is explained that Section 530 is a law that is currently providing qualifying taxpayers permanent protection again the IRS reclassifying them as employees instead of independent contractors. The law has been in effect since 1978 and was put into place to protect taxpayers from what was then characterized as “overzealous” actions by the IRS in reclassifying independent contractors to employees.
The repeal on Section 530 is known as H.R. 5804, and would replace Section 530 with a new safe-harbor provision that fewer taxpayers could qualify for. While the bill would help those workers who want to be employees but are working as independent contractors, it would harm the self-employed individuals who want to expand their business and attract new clients, as the bill would significantly increase the financial risks associated with purchasing services from independent contractors. (Hollarah, Russ; “Bill Introduced in House of Representatives Would Repeal Section 530”; Coalition to Preserve Independent Contractor Status; 2006-2010; [])
How does Section 530 affect the Mystery Shopping Industry?
As stated above, the reclassification of independent contractors to employees would be a large financial risk to companies who purchase services from independent contractors. The current state of the mystery shopping industry depends greatly on the use of independent contractors to perform mystery shops and other similar inspections, audits and merchandising projects. If independent contractors were suddenly reclassified as employees, the industry would no longer be able to support the increased cost structure and would cease to exist in its current state. Many mystery shopping companies would go out of business altogether and others would move to using employees to do work, resulting in higher costs for the company, as well as higher costs for Clients.
What does this mean for you? It would mean that mystery shoppers would no longer be able to perform work for multiple companies, since employees cannot work for more than one company at the same time due to confidentiality. This would mean a significant decrease in available work. Additionally, as employees, mystery shoppers would no longer have a choice of what projects they perform, when they are performed or how.
We hope this information has been helpful for you in understanding why MSI Services is requiring EINs instead of Social Security Numbers for tax purposes. This request is not just for our own good, but ultimately for the good of the industry and to save your independent contractor status.
"The Truth about EIN and Independent Contractor Status
Some simple truths:
MSI Services may be one of the first companies in this industry to make these changes, but we will not be the last. The Mystery Shopping/Market Research Industries will be taking more action to protect the status of Independent Contractors over the coming months/years. Changes like requiring EINs will become more of a standard in the industry and will serve to protect not only the Mystery Shopping companies, but ICs as well, from being classified as employees.
MSI Services has already begun massive updates to the language we use with Independent Field Agents. You may have already noticed a number of updates on the website and in our Project Description materials going into effect. These changes are all to help us stay in compliance with government expectations regarding how independent contractors go about performing work.
The reality is that when working in the U.S., you must pay taxes on all earned income. Obtaining an EIN does not change whether or not you need to pay taxes.
TrendSource is required to send 1099 forms for all ICs who make over $600 per year in Project Payments and PAD (this does not include reimbursements for required purchases). Whether you receive a 1099 from TrendSource or not, you should still evaluate your tax situation based on the income you make across all companies you work as an IC for and report income accordingly.
The only difference in filing taxes with an EIN vs. no EIN is that you will need to provide your EIN on your Income Tax Return – Schedule C.
We highly suggest that if you have concerns or questions about your personal tax situation that you speak to a tax professional directly.
In the sections below we have provided some brief overview information about why the EIN requirement came about and what you need to know to be informed on Independent Contractor status in the United States. Additionally, there are links to helpful websites and resources you can use to research this more on your own. Remember, these changes affect us all!
Independent Contractors versus Employees
According to the IRS website, the following definition is applied to Independent Contractors in the U.S;
The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done. The earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment Tax.
Common Law Rules
Facts that provide evidence of the degree of control and independence fall into three categories:
Behavioral: Does the company control or have the right to control what the worker does and how the worker does his or her job?
Financial: Are the business aspects of the worker’s job controlled by the payer? (these include things like how worker is paid, whether expenses are reimbursed, such as computer equipment, gas, vehicles, etc., and who provides tools/supplies, etc.)
Type of Relationship: Are there written contracts or employee type benefits (i.e. pension plan, insurance, vacation pay, etc.)? Will the relationship continue and is the work performed a key aspect of the business?
Independent Field Agents with MSI Services are considered Independent Contractors because you control what work you perform and how it is performed. The result of the work performed needs to meet Client objectives and requirements, but there are no rules surrounding how an Independent Field Agent goes about meeting these objectives.
When performing projects for TrendSource Clients, Independent Field Agents are provided with Project Description materials, which outline the Client objectives and requirements, such as Purchase Requirements, Day and Time Restrictions of the project, deadlines for reporting completed projects and explanations of what data is expected to be collected while performing the project. Outside of the client objectives explained in these Project Description materials, Independent Field Agents are free to choose when and how to complete projects, or even if they want to complete said project.
Sole Proprietorship and EIN
As an independent contractor, you are viewed as a sole proprietor. A sole proprietorship is a one-person business that is not registered as a corporation or LLC. As a sole proprietor you are responsible for maintaining your business by complying with local requirements, which may include obtaining a business license (check with your local county office). Although some counties may require all businesses to obtain a license, most will not actually expect a license to be filed when you work as an independent contractor in your own home. Again, it is advised that you check with your local county office to confirm whether a business license is required for your sole proprietorship.
The most important responsibility you have as a sole proprietor is paying income taxes. Since you are not an employee, companies you perform work for will not withhold tax from your payments; therefore you are responsible for ensuring your income taxes are filed and paid each year.
The following information comes from, where “Paying Taxes on Business Income” is explained;
Paying Taxes on Business Income
In the eyes of the law, a sole proprietorship is not legally separate from the person who owns it. The fact that a sole proprietorship and its owner are one and the same means that a sole proprietor simply reports all business income or losses on his or her individual income tax return -- IRS Form 1040, with Schedule C attached.
As a sole proprietor, you'll have to take responsibility for withholding and paying all income taxes -- something an employer would normally do for you. This means you'll have to pay a "self-employment" tax, which consists of contributions to Social Security and Medicare, and pay estimated taxes throughout the year.
(Mancuso, Anthony; “Paying Taxes on Business Income”; Sole Proprietorship Basics; Nolo; 2012; [])
Although a sole proprietor is not required by the IRS to obtain an EIN (Employment Identification Number), it is still wise for sole proprietors to use one for number of reasons.
For the purpose of MSI Services and TrendSource, requiring our Independent Field Agents to obtain an EIN protects both us and you from having independent contractors be misclassified as an employee. With an EIN set-up for your sole proprietorship, you are viewed as working for yourself and there is little room for misunderstanding with the IRS regarding classification.
(Mancuso, Anthony; Does a Sole Proprietor Need an Employment Identification Number?; Nolo; 2012; [])
Repeal on Section 530 and how it affects the Mystery Shopping Industry
What is Section 530 and what is the Repeal on it?
According to the website for the “Coalition to Preserve Independent Contractor Status” is explained that Section 530 is a law that is currently providing qualifying taxpayers permanent protection again the IRS reclassifying them as employees instead of independent contractors. The law has been in effect since 1978 and was put into place to protect taxpayers from what was then characterized as “overzealous” actions by the IRS in reclassifying independent contractors to employees.
The repeal on Section 530 is known as H.R. 5804, and would replace Section 530 with a new safe-harbor provision that fewer taxpayers could qualify for. While the bill would help those workers who want to be employees but are working as independent contractors, it would harm the self-employed individuals who want to expand their business and attract new clients, as the bill would significantly increase the financial risks associated with purchasing services from independent contractors. (Hollarah, Russ; “Bill Introduced in House of Representatives Would Repeal Section 530”; Coalition to Preserve Independent Contractor Status; 2006-2010; [])
How does Section 530 affect the Mystery Shopping Industry?
As stated above, the reclassification of independent contractors to employees would be a large financial risk to companies who purchase services from independent contractors. The current state of the mystery shopping industry depends greatly on the use of independent contractors to perform mystery shops and other similar inspections, audits and merchandising projects. If independent contractors were suddenly reclassified as employees, the industry would no longer be able to support the increased cost structure and would cease to exist in its current state. Many mystery shopping companies would go out of business altogether and others would move to using employees to do work, resulting in higher costs for the company, as well as higher costs for Clients.
What does this mean for you? It would mean that mystery shoppers would no longer be able to perform work for multiple companies, since employees cannot work for more than one company at the same time due to confidentiality. This would mean a significant decrease in available work. Additionally, as employees, mystery shoppers would no longer have a choice of what projects they perform, when they are performed or how.
We hope this information has been helpful for you in understanding why MSI Services is requiring EINs instead of Social Security Numbers for tax purposes. This request is not just for our own good, but ultimately for the good of the industry and to save your independent contractor status.
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There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots
When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody
There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of inquisitive idiots
When you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody