
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> My bad, maxium age is 50, everyone older is out
> for the computer jobs...... I receivTed an email
> from June saying she just found this out.
> traveliz Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > The new computer jobs that I got ther email
> > for,
> > > of which none were posted for me to see, have
> a
> > 50
> > > year old age minimun. June didn't know that
> > when
> > > she recruited members for this assignment. I
> > am
> > > now hoping after that signup that
> > > they have jobs I am able to do, otherwise, a
> > huge
> > > waste of my time and disappointing to say the
> > > least.
> >
> >
> > Ok well first if the minimum age is 50 and you
> are
> > over 50 you are for sure good to go. Second, I
> am
> > not seeing that requirement (but I could be
> > overlooking it) but most importantly I filled
> out
> > all the screens, had my driver's license
> verified
> > and was sent an email by Helion that I could
> now
> > assign them (last week). I have all ready done
> > two and they have been finalized.
> >
> > Liz

Hmmmm well Helion themselves assigned me the shops and I am over 50 so I am going to keep doing them until they tell me other. I just did two and am procrasitnating putting them on (need a few minutes down time from my road trip) but they better accept them.


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LisaSTL Wrote:
> Liz, it sounds like you think they are good to
> work for then. I got the e-mail from PSS and those
> usually get a very brief glance before hitting the
> trash. Glad there was thread started. Some
> companies have ridiculously easy requirements on
> sign up and I guess they weed everyone out from
> there. The companies I've known to have lengthy
> and involved registration processes often end up
> as self-assign and have some of the better paying,
> easiest jobs and reports aroundsmiling smiley It may be their
> way of separating the wheat from the chaffwinking smiley

Yes Lisa, like I said I received an email before them a week or so ago before this mass email from schedulers went out so I was all ready signed up with them from who knows when...when I went in my profile wasn't complete so I had to finish that. So far I have had some communication with them (my assigned community leader I think is what they call them) and aside from language differences it has been easy enough. Sounds like there is some confusion on the age requirements but that appears to be Helion's mix up at getting that information out late or just to one scheduler or something. The shops themselves are relatively easy after the first one.

I filled out the complete app and was not able to self-assign. Something to do with job quotas. I see hundreds of jobs and the self-assign button, but I was able to take any jobs because of "quota." It's not a personal quota or rotation, as I have not scheduled nor done any jobs for them. Right now I am not impressed with this entire process.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
Hi, Just FYI we will contact the client about the age restriction for this project, we will keep you updated. Its not something we chose ;(.

Feel free to contact your Community manager, our offices are open again after MAY 1 which is a public holiday.

FYI Please become a Facebook fan as well, its so much easier for us to answer all questions there

And for those who like video's please check out our Youtube channel so you see an office and faces to the names and some fun Mystery shopping related video's winking smiley [www.youtube.com]
For Cubbiecat,and all others.

First of all our oldest active shopper is 93 and lives in the US winking smiley Florida to be preciser.

Most of our clients use quota's, which mens they want us to shop specific channels or type of shops each month from a larger sample.

Example; client has 1000 locations 500 dine in 500 takeaway locations. The want us to do 250 of each each month and we choose ourselves.

Our system then calculates the shop assigned. when a quota is reached your self assign job goes to your pending applications. And when a shopper flakes ( although I hear this never happens in the US winking smiley we assign the pending shop to the next available shopper.

Hopes this makes sense. Please please email us with your comments and feedback only with your help we can get better. Posting on forums often goes unnoticed. We work in over 90 countries so you can understand its difficult to check all the forums that are around.

USA@helionresearch.com is a generic email you can use as well.
Total frustration! When I fill out a page in the extended profile and click on "save" all or some of my answers are erased and I get a message saying that if I want shops in that area I must complete that page!

Anyone else having this problem?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2012 09:25PM by walesmaven.
Clothing sizes need to go up to about 22 for US shoppers, please.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I'm a size 8, and many normal retail do not carry a size above 14...plus size store's like Lane Bryant are for 16 and up...don't hate me, it's true.
I'm still not seing jobs, and wonder if it's because I'm over 50.

Live consciously....
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> I'm a size 8, and many normal retail do not carry
> a size above 14...plus size store's like Lane
> Bryant are for 16 and up...don't hate me, it's
> true.
> I'm still not seing jobs, and wonder if it's
> because I'm over 50.

I am over 50 too Irene and I see hundreds of jobs. However I am not a size 8; whatever that has to do with it.

Liz -- Some stores carry clothing only up to a certain size. I have seen shops that require people who only wear the smaller sizes and/or need people of a younger age because the store's demographic is the younger set and us older folks would stand out like a sore thumb.
avitoots Wrote:
> Liz -- Some stores carry clothing only up to a
> certain size. I have seen shops that require
> people who only wear the smaller sizes and/or need
> people of a younger age because the store's
> demographic is the younger set and us older folks
> would stand out like a sore thumb.

No I know that but my point was the size of clothing has nothing at all to do with the hundreds of shops that are currently on Helion's board. I totally know what you mean as I do not qualify for say Wet Seal shops but look right at home at Bealls.

Liz -- It's probably a translation of their regular form. Just be glad that they put in U.S. sizes and not European sizes.
My statement about size was answering post above me about why they don't have sizes over 16, someone mentioned they were a size 22..I gave my answer,
had nothing to do with age. I wondered why I didn't see jobs in L.A. and guessed it was due to my age. I got an email from the scheduler that solicated
me telling me she heard the computer jobs needed to be up to age 50.....since
your getting those jobs, I'm wondering.

Live consciously....
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> My statement about size was answering post above
> me about why they don't have sizes over 16,
> someone mentioned they were a size 22..I gave my
> answer,
> had nothing to do with age. I wondered why I
> didn't see jobs in L.A. and guessed it was due to
> my age. I got an email from the scheduler that
> solicated
> me telling me she heard the computer jobs needed
> to be up to age 50.....since
> your getting those jobs, I'm wondering.

Right on the shop form when I am inputting there is a spot to click on your age and 50 plus is one of the choices. I don't blame you for wondering. It's interesting starting out with a new company that we have to break in smiling smiley And I know they aren't new but new to us!

There are a couple of companies I am signed with that has shops with age restrictions. One in particular is GfK who had computer shops that were age-restricted at one time. Another that comes to mind is Service Check who has a client that I would love to shop but their shops are age-restricted and it's because of what the client wants. sad smiley

Edited: To correct a typo! :0

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2012 06:11AM by SoCal Shopper.
I don't understand companies and their age restrictions. I am over 50, but I purchased a $2100 laptop for my daughter. I was the one who picked it out and paid for it. Charlotte Russe and Traffic shoes also have age restrictions. I applaud Aeropostle, even though their clothes are for the teens, they are smart enough to realize that all age groups shop in there, if not for themselves, then for their kids. Sorry I went off the subject. As for helion, thanks for explaining the quotas-there should be a better system. Take for example, the golden arches ff chain with thousdands of locations that get shopped each month, in 3 different meal time frames. Instead of the shoppers seeing every shop that is possibly available, but quotas were met - it is more organized that we only see what is truly available.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
unfortunately I won't be registering for Helion. The age requirement is just too much. And that 93 year old shopper is probably doing phone shops. She is not out driving from shop to shop getting names,and descriptions of associates. She is doing medical shops. :-)

ALso there is something eerie about communicating through social media about "your" assign mystery shops. It takes away from the mystery of shopping.

and what about those of us who are young enough to still have 20 good working years in front of us. Will your current or future employer question you about mystery shopping if he finds out that he has been fired because of a mystery shop.

If a company wants to have a FB account that's good but the shoppers shouldn't be subjected to ridicule because some one posted that Helion pay is not what it seems. Posting on FB comes with a photo and a name. You will be doing concealed revealed shops. How many real life jobs don't have a FB account? and have fired FB subscribers b/c they complained or bad mouthed them.

Helion wants shoppers to follow them on FB, They don't have time for forums or blogs but yet they advertised on this board to get shoppers.

Helion, No thanks but thanks for asking.

This forum would not exist if Jacob told us to follow him on FB to voice our opinons about mystery shopping.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/09/2012 04:36AM by sojo917.
Hi Sojo,

People are free to register or not winking smiley

Our 93 ols shopper has done the following shops for us this year.
7 Public transport shops
3 Pharmacy shops
And yes 2 funeral shops winking smiley
So we do have shops that fit all age groups.

But some shops require specific profiles, in this case if the scenario is heavy gaming on laptops the average customer from our client is under 40 hence our age restriction for self assign..We do book out some above with older age group but we cannot have all shops done with 60+ because this would not reflect normal business situation for this project.

People can post anything they want on our FB page, which is good you will notice that we dont delete post unless it does not comply with decent manners.

You will also notice that Helion has one of the largest FB pages within the industry and that you will not find complaints or pay issues..

Our shoppers connect here and we support them as much as we can.. again your fre to like our page or just read it anonymously.

We dont post actual shop information on our FB page only we inform shoppers if we have posted new shops in a specific country or area. This way shoppers that are on the end of a mailing list get the same chances of being notified at the same time.

So Sojo917 (?), my name is Ernst Aben by the way winking smiley part owner of Helion, I welcome your feedback and I hop you join Helion one day and hopefully you notice why we are different.

And how impotant shoppers and feedback is for us.. feel free to email me any time, and with over 200000 shopper that can email me directly you will always get a response from me... personally.

Have a great day, and sorry if i dont see this forum every day...smiling smiley
FYI Thes size 14 is not the largest size. There is a button to click and see the chart. I don't have it in front of me, but I am a plus size lady and I fell into the # 12 clothing catagory.
I am NOT a size 22; I just suggested that it would be wise for the company to extend their size list.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Mr. Aben - Don't you know that retired folks do a heck of a lot of gaming! Take a drive to your local casino (if you have one) during the day and the first thing you will notice is when parking, all the handicapped slots are taken and then when you get to the floor, there is nothing but little ol' gray-haired ladies and gentlemen. And I belong to an online game website and I'd bet that most of the folks there are older, too.
I just think some times the demographic thingy is just not what it should be!
I applied for a few shops and they are all showing up in 'Pending Status'. The 'Self-assign' button is misleading. It would be nice if you could either assign or reject my application. I am not sure if you send an email when a shop is assigned to the shopper or it is the shopper's responsibility to check every day.

Please can you clarify the way the shops are assigned (not the criteria - just the process).


> Hi Sojo,
> People are free to register or not winking smiley
> Our 93 ols shopper has done the following shops
> for us this year.
> 7 Public transport shops
> 3 Pharmacy shops
> And yes 2 funeral shops winking smiley
> So we do have shops that fit all age groups.
> But some shops require specific profiles, in this
> case if the scenario is heavy gaming on laptops
> the average customer from our client is under 40
> hence our age restriction for self assign..We do
> book out some above with older age group but we
> cannot have all shops done with 60+ because this
> would not reflect normal business situation for
> this project.
> People can post anything they want on our FB page,
> which is good you will notice that we dont delete
> post unless it does not comply with decent
> manners.
> You will also notice that Helion has one of the
> largest FB pages within the industry and that you
> will not find complaints or pay issues..
> Our shoppers connect here and we support them as
> much as we can.. again your fre to like our page
> or just read it anonymously.
> We dont post actual shop information on our FB
> page only we inform shoppers if we have posted new
> shops in a specific country or area. This way
> shoppers that are on the end of a mailing list get
> the same chances of being notified at the same
> time.
> So Sojo917 (?), my name is Ernst Aben by the way
> winking smiley part owner of Helion, I welcome your feedback
> and I hop you join Helion one day and hopefully
> you notice why we are different.
> And how impotant shoppers and feedback is for us..
> feel free to email me any time, and with over
> 200000 shopper that can email me directly you will
> always get a response from me... personally.
> Have a great day, and sorry if i dont see this
> forum every day...smiling smiley
They send an email if you get one of the pending shops you "self assigned." I finally got one shop from them. It was easy and I got a 100% grade, which they notified me by email.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
Dagosto Wrote:
> I also received the email from Cheryl Durbin at
> Palm Scheduling. I've signed up and been
> activated, but the link to upload my photo isn't
> working right. After browsing to select the photo,
> the address is immediately replaced with:
> C:\fakepath\nameoffile
> (where "name of file" is the actual name of the
> file)
> and will not let me correct it with the proper
> address. Anyone else have this problem?

Just got done with this . Look for save, keep saving. It should be OK.
That's the correct file name. You hit the save or submit button to the left bottom and you'll see your picture immediately.

Not my circus - Not my monkeys @(*.*)@

~Polish Proverb~
I will not send a photo of driver's license or passport. The scheduler told me it was so that they would really know I or anyone else is the age they claim to be.

Also, the paperwork to get one job is lengthy. The report are ridiculous for the amount of time.

surftime Wrote:
> I will not send a photo of driver's license or
> passport. The scheduler told me it was so that
> they would really know I or anyone else is the age
> they claim to be.
> Also, the paperwork to get one job is lengthy.
> The report are ridiculous for the amount of time.
> STAY AWAY!!!!!!

So did you actually do a shop for them? I certainly did not think the report was ridiculous. After the first one the rest were a breeze...just had to get my rhythm down.

I've gotten so used to sending my photo, DL, proof of insurance, proof of address and on and on. Most video shopping companies require all or some combination of the above.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
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