Shopping company that fines you $25 if you cancel!

Flash Wrote:
> I have seen that or similar with several
> companies. I can't say that I blame them. "It is
> a beautiful day and I think I'd like to go to the
> beach rather than do that visit and the report so
> I'll call and tell them ______ and just cancel
> it."

I go to the beach (in season), pick up lunch at a supermarket deli or fast food and get money for gas. The beach is always there after I do the shop or I do the beach first when I am worried they might turn off the water and put the sea gulls away and then do the shop or the shops come before the beach in my route. I like subsidized road trips especially with the price of gas. Multitask!

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How do they know who you are to blacklist you ? If one was blacklisted , how many MScs would that involve ?
flyfeathers Wrote:
> How do they know who you are to blacklist you ?

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that in real life, most superheroes would be immediately uncovered. It's a strange phenomenon that shoppers put on the virtual Zorro mask and expect that nobody knows their identity.

When you give specifics about your assignments on a public forum, it's rather easy to search the MSC database and figure out who is who. Schedulers have their own protected forum where they can discuss this.
Any company that blacklists a shopper because of an observation made is ethically suspect and not a company I would want to work for. If they're that vindictive, God only knows what they're doing to shoppers through their report requirements.
Let's take the work 'blacklist' out of the equation and us a more realistic example:

I'm a scheduler. I have a choice assignment. Shopper A and Shopper B have both applied, and gotten a 10 on their last assignment. Shopper A has 'liked' my last 2 posts and shopper B publicly complained about me taking too long to respond to an email.

Which shopper gets the assignment? Is it unethical to pick the shopper I simply like better when their experience and scores are equal?

I'm not trying discourage anyone from posting the truth, but don't kick the donkey unless you are prepared for it to kick back.
Steve -- Problem with your scenario is that I, at least, have no idea who the scheduler is. I generally don't pay that much attention to that detail. So, if we are generally complaining about a lack of response of a company and a scheduler takes offense then I don't necessarily want to work for that company. We don't make enough money per shop to have to deal with the aggravation and I definitely don't need to deal with petty, unprofessional people who will blacklist people because of posts.
I am a bit timid to post this (as I did before with reprecussions). I said a bad about a slow paying msc and their nitty picky editor. I then hand in a splendid report, checking and re-checking for spelling and errors, had one mistake that I was asked to correct and did so immediately. I had written a negative about this company, and ended up getting a 6 on a 9/10 report.
I am again working for them tomorrow to try and bring my score up....yes, unfair, but you never know what evil lurks in the heart of men/woman. I learned a hard lesson, but I saw the handwriting on the wall, and will "zip it up" in the future.

Live consciously....
First of all, there is no way to really know if the rating was because you complained about an aspect of the company. It could very well be that the editor was annoyed that s/he had to contact you. I was marked down by one point because I covered my "no" answers which is usually required by the MSCs. I sometimes wonder if there is any QA on the editor side for some of these MSCs since there can be such a huge variance in editor responses to reports.
avitoots, I agree with you ,I don't think that I would want to work with a scheduler that put me on a list because I complained that they were too slow at answering an email.
atkinsod1 Wrote:
> They have their own rules. They do monitor these
> boards so be careful what you say. You might find
> yourself blacklisted.

LOL. the world is that small.
marmani Wrote:
> atkinsod1 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They have their own rules. They do monitor
> these
> > boards so be careful what you say. You might
> find
> > yourself blacklisted.
> LOL. the world is that small.

If I speak the truth and they blacklist me, I really don't care. I don't want to work for a company that uses bully and intimidation tactics. Coincidentally, I have blacklisted a couple companies myself for thier rude and inconsiderate treatment. I'm not doing this for a living and I'll bet that they need me more than I need them. I really am good at what I do.
That said. There's enough excellent companies out there that treat me great and I likewise take care of them. Respect, courtesy, honesty, and professionalism is indeed a two way street. It should be a way of life for everyone.
If you're not well received and welcomed, then shake the dust from your feet...
Anyway to make a $$$ next thing you know you will have to buy something you do not need or buy a nasty pizza and get paid nothing for it. I did a Hotel not to long ago the report was 20 pages and it would have went fast but , every question was NO so I had to explain why a major hotel chain in a major city at a major airport was so bad they should fire the GM. TERRIBLE
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