Toyota Oil Change Mystery Shops

If you own a Toyota or a Scion you may not have to pay for your oil changes anymore. In fact, you would be getting paid to get them done. If you currently live near a Toyota dealership in CT, NJ or NY, there is a mystery shopping company called Mystery Shopper Pros who has a contract with Toyota to mystery shop their service centers. The shopper gets paid a flat $60.00 to get an oil change. We often see shoppers who have a coupon for a $25.00 oil change from the dealers so they get to pocket $35.00 of the $60.00 after submitting their report. Although our name is not among the list of mystery shopping companies on this site we are very real and are a proud member of the MSPA.

If you’re interested, sign up as a mystery shopper at

PS. We are also expanding our area to include Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky & Tennessee soon. Shopper must own a Toyota or a Scion to participate.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/28/2012 01:41AM by Jash1057.

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There's an ad on top of this saying $16.99 for oil change or tire rotation.
Yikes. I paid $58.00 and sometimes $49,00

What is that, 1 quart of oil only ?
One tire?
Which ad are you referring too? They are paying you to get your oil changed only and not to get your tires rotated. Every dealership has it's own specials. Any extra expenses is your responsibility.
ive done these several times before when I owned a prius...

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