Retail Active

Has anyone heard of Retail Active? I received a congratulatory email from them today informing me I had been accepted to shop for them. Also, is there anyone in Southern California who shops for them if it is a reliable MSC? I have signed up with so many MSCs that have NO clients here.

Thanks!!! :-)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."

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I'm in So.CA. and never heard of them...let us know if there worth signing with.

Live consciously....
I was hoping somebody could let me know about them before I accepted. smiling smiley

Btw, I just sent you a PM.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."
Hmmm, never heard of them. Their website looks pretty professional, though. You could give them a try, but just take safety precautions like omitting your social security number. Just in case.

“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
The website claims that they are Britain's largest mystery shopping company but I don't see a link on the web page where you can actually apply to be a mystery shopper here in the USA. They claim to have signed up 60,000 shoppers in the US.

One buzzard to another while circling high overhead (paraphrased), "Patience hell! I want to shop somewhere."
I just completed the application process. You have to click on their Mystery Shopping Training program and proceed through 13 pages showing their concepts, methods and how to use the SASSIE system. Then you have to take a 13 question test and the first answer you miss, ends the test.

Once you complete the test, you enter the second phase of the application process using some of the same fields you see with a standard SASSIE application but most of the form is organized with British shoppers in mind, using their terminology, some of which could be confusing to American shoppers. Some of the questions they ask are a little intrusive but you're not required to enter your SSN or EIN information and you don't have to enter your bank information until you have actually completed your first assignment with them.

After you complete the application, you get a message stating that it may take longer for them to process your application than they had originally conceived due to the high volume of applicants.

Time will tell if I actually am accepted. If I am, I will report the results here so others will know.

One buzzard to another while circling high overhead (paraphrased), "Patience hell! I want to shop somewhere."
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