Rectal Exan

It's that time of year for a vet shop. It takes about a year for my dog to forget. He puts on his dark shades and looks very mysterious and stuff. He acts cool and hardly flenches thru the shots and the petting. Then....WHAMMO! He hates me for at least 6 months!

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richraynor Wrote:
> It's that time of year for a vet shop. It takes
> about a year for my dog to forget. He puts on his
> dark shades and looks very mysterious and stuff.
> He acts cool and hardly flenches thru the shots
> and the petting. Then....WHAMMO! He hates me for
> at least 6 months!

Better him than you, I guess.

My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.
Benjamin Disraeli
I have two little ones that need a check up and recal exams.....hmmm Checking every day for an opening to get them in. Hope it becomes available soon.
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