GfK Has anyone heard of or worked for them?

I noticed on V that GfK is looking for shoppers. They are not advertising in my area at the moment but are advertising for towns along a trip route I need to make. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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I have a question about GFK phone shops. When I look at the online survey its only like 5 questions but the printable list has way more questions. How do you submit the survey online if it only shows 5 questions?
spree Wrote:
> I have a question about GFK phone shops. When I
> look at the online survey its only like 5
> questions but the printable list has way more
> questions. How do you submit the survey online if
> it only shows 5 questions?

I had trouble with that too. Once you answer those five questions it loads the rest and depending on how you answer certain questions it reloads other areas with more options. I didn't find it that super easy as described in the email.

Traveliz Wrote:
> spree Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have a question about GFK phone shops. When I
> > look at the online survey its only like 5
> > questions but the printable list has way more
> > questions. How do you submit the survey online
> if
> > it only shows 5 questions?
> I had trouble with that too. Once you answer
> those five questions it loads the rest and
> depending on how you answer certain questions it
> reloads other areas with more options. I didn't
> find it that super easy as described in the
> email.
> Liz

Thank you Liz. I wish they had spelled that out so I would not have been worried by the super short form.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2012 10:35PM by spree.
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