Does this certification actually make more shops available through the MSC's we are already signed up with, or does it just make a person eligible to sign up with more MSC's?

I suppose I just want to know if it actually makes a difference.

Thanks smiling smiley

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Please do a search. There are several threads on this topic here.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
There are real mixed feelings about that. I never needed certification to sign up with any company. When I used to compare notes with a nearby shopper who was Gold Certified we were seeing the same shops and seemed to be awarded them with equal frequency. A friend mentions she is silver certified and her son is not--they see the same shops. As far as I am concerned the jury is not even out on the question, it makes no difference.
I obtained the silver certification several yrs. ago because it was inexpensive and could be taken at home. Over the yrs., I only know of a single instance where gold shoppers were given an advantage; it's with Quest For Best, who, at that time, sent shop opportunities first to the gold and remaining jobs were then made available to other folks. I used the past tense in the event this is no longer the process for Quest.
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