Moving on from "beginner" companies?

Hey guys - just looking for a little input if anyone wouldnt mind sharing.

I've worked extensively for Bestmark, CRI, Trendsource, and Market Force. I often see these guys referred to as sort of the initial stepping stone MSCs since they pay very little usually.

I'm looking to branch out a bit, I've applied with many companies and dont often find something in my area. Quite honestly, I'm hoping to save myself a bit of time applying to companies only to find out there's nothing around me (I live in Pittsburgh, not a huge city but certainly large enough that there must be many opportunities I haven't yet found).

Any suggestions on where to focus my efforts rather than just picking from the list and shooting in the dark?

Much appreciated!

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I'd love to help, but living in CA, not sure who has shops in your area.
This is called the research stage, you can find info. here and start
registering with many companies.

Live consciously....
It's hard to say since what I have in my area, you might not have in your area and vice versa. My advice would be to pay attention to which companies are discussed here. You will know that those companies at least have current in some location.
I agree with lisa above .... what we've learned is that in different regions companies are different because they have different clients. Some of my favorite companies are the ones others complain about .... and often someone posts kudos to a company saying they pay more than other companies ..... and in my area that company is a real low-payer! I would say sign up with lots of companies, before accepting a job with a company use the "search" function here for all dates to be sure you haven't picked a NO-payer badboy, and read the forum for general information about companies.
I've signed up with 20-30 companies over the last few months, I just never seem to get lucky. Or maybe I'm just spoiled by the large amounts of jobs offered by Market Force and CRI! lol I dont post often, but I still lurk here all the time, and the ones I sign up for are generally the ones I see mentioned positively here.

Appreciate the feedback!
When I first started I found both Jobslinger and Msjobboard to be helpful in pinning down which companies were shopping my area. Have you checked them out?

I then just took the list provided by this forum and started signing up at a couple a day in the odd chance that eventually they might have jobs eventually in my area.

I did not like Volition so much as it is not laid out as nicely as Jobslinger and Msjobboard although some of the jobs listed by the latter two link into Volition.
you're not alone in finding that those companies have far more jobs in western Pennsylvania than others. i pretty much use the same ones for my core shopping and then throw in some others for filler. i might suggest ath power if you haven't signed up with them yet. i'm sure they'll have some bank shops in and around pittsburgh

is this the link to sign up for MF? Thanks

Chihlidog Wrote:
> I've signed up with 20-30 companies over the last
> few months, I just never seem to get lucky. Or
> maybe I'm just spoiled by the large amounts of
> jobs offered by Market Force and CRI! lol I dont
> post often, but I still lurk here all the time,
> and the ones I sign up for are generally the ones
> I see mentioned positively here.
> Appreciate the feedback!
I am also in your shoes! Unfortunately, it is largely a "hunt, peck, and hope" scenario when applying with MS companies. I have used and and both have resulted in more shops. I have also spent tons of time registering with companies who do not work in my area. Have you looked on the Mystery Shopping Job Board within this forum? Many of the companies list the states in which they are looking for shoppers. That may give you some leads. Otherwise, I agree with "plmccut" and suggest going down the MS company list provided and signing up with 2 or 3 companies as you have time. If you find a better way, let me know! smiling smiley
Quick update, I spent hours yesterday applying and applying, and was successful in finding 2 more that have jobs in my area. Very FEW jobs, but jobs I definitely WANT to do.

Also got a call from intellishop. The shop isnt in my area, but we worked around that since it's a phone shop. I think I am going to really like working with them, the scheduler was AWESOME.
Are you using roboform. It is free and cuts down on your app time a lot. I would sign up for 2 a day as a goal. go for as many as possible. I have been doing this for 6 years and you have to contiually update your signups. MC's gain and lose clients all the time. Consider it part of the job.
I am a big fan of Roboform. However, you do need a paid version once you exceed 10 log-ons. It is well worth it.
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