Lets vote for the slowest loading website !

I vote for Maritz,they have the slowest loading site.I've talked to several of their employees about it and all they say is oh we have a lot of traffic that's the reason it's so slow.No,the reason your site is so slow is because you don't have enough servers.I have a feeling the folks that own Maritz are really tight and just don't want to spend the money.Any other nominations...

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Bestmark gets mine.

Oh it's a pain in the ARSE! I cannot open up any other tabs at the same time as BestMark. I have to wait for that log-in page to load.

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom
I second Maritz! LOL.

In fact it is soooo slow, it times itself out and you gotta try again. I wait forever for new jobs, current jobs, etc to load. Errrrr. Then of course submitting the reports with photos...those extra 30 seconds each pic really eats into your evening!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2012 04:49PM by SecretAgentMom.
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