Children's Museums

I have tried and tried to find the company that posted a shop for Children's Museums within the last two weeks. Any hints on companies that might have shops like this? DD has decided that this might be a fun trip for Spring Break this week...

(If this is in the wrong place or not appropriate to ask, please feel free to move or delete.)


MissChele - Shopping KY, IN & OH
Thread Killer

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/09/2012 06:08PM by MissChele.

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I do them and honestly they are a pain in the butt. You evaluate 4 restaurants and they reimburse you $15. The food is mediocre at best. And, for the 1st restaurant you have to spend 20 minutes there and then space each restaurant out at least 5 minutes. This means that you spend about 2 hours doing these, not including the report. The report takes about 45 minutes to an hour.

I live near Cincinnati and I have a annual pass to the Children's Museum and honestly it's not worth it. Plus if you bring your kids with you, they get frustrated because they want to spend time in the museum, not walking around different food places.

Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for the responses. We are going anyway and have another grown up going, so I'll give it a try.

MissChele - Shopping KY, IN & OH
Thread Killer
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