MF and FF

Any word that MF is still representing the FF giant? No April posts yet.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2012 01:07AM by qpone.

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Are all the shops in your area done for this month? I do not know if they post them nationwide or regional but unless the board is cleared for the current month, they do not post the next. They just called me today to do 2 for this week so at least here they are not done yet for March.
They're usually posted on the 20th for next month... they're in clean up mode on March shops at the moment.
I think the problem this month was that the initial scheduling was done by the overseas crew that was offering here a whopping $0.50 and $1 bonus. May be they were expecting that people would take advantage of the Marchmania offers. I have been receiving calls this week from Atlanta and being offered normal bonus. I still see quite a few ff shops for this month on the board and Samantha has been sending me more than five love notes every day with offers lower than the Manila crew had offered or what I see on the board!
They call again and again and it takes them forever to go thru the script. They have to email, I guess Colorado/Atlanta to get any bonus approved. Then the Manila supervisor calls again to ask why you did not take the shop for the fee offered. Philippines only does the yummy burger and the big ff and can not schedule other accounts. Let's see how long the call center experiment lasts. It is the first time that in several states that I shop there are so many shops available for both ff chains.
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