WEll, I have contacted the name of the company on their check and they have never heard of Daily Light Shopper; and they didn't seem especially worried about me having a check drawn on their bank for almost $4000 either - weird. I know they have a "registration" system with the bank that requires the check to be "registered" or "activated" before the bank will cash it; but if they (the scammers) hit a check that has been registered I'll bet they (IIA) will care then <lol>. Anyway, for those asking about Daily Light Shopping, it's definitely a scam. They eventually told my wife that they have just canceled the check (yeah, right) and when asked why they said, "There's no 'why' with us." Pretty ballsey if you ask me. We'll see what the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), FBI, Secret Service and US Postal Service think about their "why" when we turn all their info we have over to them. I found another article about them under Google with their fax number and an attempt at using Pentagon Federal employee Credit Union checks.