Maybe I should clarify.
I did my first shop 18 months ago. At the time I was working full-time, 50-60 hours a week, as a science teacher. So I only did 2-3 shops a week for the first year.
Went down to p/t in January 2012, added in more MS jobs. I was only registered with 20 companies in January.
Just started REALLY shopping in early May, with 5-12 shops/daily, 5-6 days/week, consistently.
I'm in my 40s, not planning to retire for a long while. This MS is good for me and my pocketbook - but I have to do it intelligently.
To me, that means doing the $10 BestMark electronics shops to pay my $100/week gasoline bills.
I only have two companies that are planning routes with me now and willing to bonus me. By September, I'd like to have 10-15 different MSCs that I have professional relationships with.
Speaking of which: I have 9 shops to do this morning. I'm off and out, then home to sit by the pool and write my narratives.
Your advice is, of course, most welcome and appreciated.